Saturday, October 2, 2010

Utilizing the Law of Attraction for Money Purposes


The craving for abundant money is a universal longing. This is because all acquisition is a function of money. Many have searched for ways to acquire money and to multiply it for generation yet unborn. In their quest for money many have ended their lives in more confusing and frustrating situations.

How to attract money into your life using the law of attraction. It is my aim in this article to offer you one of the most reliable ways to attract money. You can attract money into your life using the law of attraction. Recently there has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar with the concept, it is actually quite simple. It is based on a fundamental truth:

Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, you will receive good things or bad according to what you focus on.

If you focus on the positive things in your life, then more positive things will come your way. If you spend your time and energy focusing on the negative, then you will attract more negative things. You will spend all your life majoring in minors at the expense of your majors. This is one of the many reasons why many people you know today never get rich. They are book smart, but cannot acquire more than a squalid lot, because they know are working against them instead of for them.

You can use these principles to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to attract money into your life.

Strategies for attracting money:

1. Express gratitude: The first strategy for attracting money is gratitude. The grateful heart shall receive more.  If you want more of something, like money, you must first express gratitude for what you have presently. Gratitude is a powerful positive emotion. Be thankful for all that your Creator has provided you this far. You may not have all the money you want to live a comfortable life, but be grateful for the little you have been given. Yes! You may not be where you want to be but you are not where you use to be; there is a little progress. You must be grateful for that little progress so that you can more resounding progress. You must be sincere in your thanks. If you do not honestly feel the gratitude, then you will not be able to attract more money or any other thing that you want.

Stay focused on what you do have. Remember, if what you feel and focus on is actually your lack of money, it will only attract more lack back to you. But on the contrary, if what you focus on is to sincerely offer thanks to God for giving you life, he shall invariably give you other things that you need which you did not request for.

2. Picture yourself with the money: Visualization is a powerful weapon of attracting wealth. What you visualize, you actualize. Visualize it in depth, as if you already have it. See yourself holding the money, touching it, and feeling how happy you are with it in your life. Imagine sitting down paying all your bills and buying expensive gifts for those that you love. This will send a positive message out that is to be returned to you in good measures.

Be consistent with sending out these strong positive thoughts and feelings. Mixing it up with negative ones about money will definitely send a conflicting message. This will them make money to avoid you. Those with negative mentality about money, money does avoid like a plaque, but those with a positive disposition, surely becomes money magnet.

3. Rid yourself of negative thoughts. It is imperative that you eliminate as many negative feelings as possible. Make a conscious effort to find the positive in everything because your negativity will not be rewarded with positive results. Are there others out there who are positive? You bet! Do your best to find and emulate these people.

When life hands you a bunch of lemons, it is time to make lemonade. Find the silver lining or take action to make something positive out of the situation.

4. Have Faith. There are countless documented cases of people who received their heart's desire by using the principles found in the Law of Attraction. Those people are no different from you!  Faith is a positive feeling. If you truly want to attract more money into your life, then faith is a must. You have to believe deep down that something like this can and will happen to you. It is time to truly believe that you are deserving of anything you desire. For more information on faith, see ‘the motivating power of belief’.

The Law of Attraction has helped many people live their dreams. By following its simple principles, it can happen to you as well. Profess an open mind, a willing heart, and a joyful spirit and, in return, you will be rewarded with whatever you request!

You shall reap whatever you sow, whether good or bad, small or big.

See you at the top! Make and attract more money!

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