Tuesday, September 28, 2010


To be crazily innovative is fundamental to successful living. You need to be original instead living your life as a copy. Be a pioneer, be inventive, and be modern and ground-breaking in everything you do. In order to do all these, you need to put up certain life style. Freeing your mind to think in an innovative way can be as easy as jumping in the shower and tuning out. You can come up with a great idea anytime you wanted. I will show you how to summon new and innovative concepts on command and also to teach your people the same skill. This may sound like an infomercial. In this article, I am going to highlight five points on how to free your brain to let your best ideas flow.

Every human being undoubtedly has too much on his mind. Their mind continues to wonder from one place to the other. Move from one idea to another. Some folks can be talking to you right now, but their mind will immediately drift to unpaid bills, failed business, and sometimes failed relationship. All they do is focus on the negative experience of life that they really have no time to see and enjoy the positive side of life. What kind of life is that? 

Some people, when they are driving during rush hour, they are too busy dealing with traffic to notice the scenery and enjoy the ride. If you fall into this category of folks, instead of concentrating on dealing with traffic problems, please take some time out to enjoy the ride. Take some time out to enjoy life. Take out some time to adore the good divine investment in your life. Take out some time to be grateful to God. When you do this, your life will receive new momentum for ultimate performance. 

The following practices will help you to eliminate mental traffic and help you liberate the great ideas inside:

1. Shower your way to creativity: There is a scientific theory that water hitting your head helps trigger the synapses and that is why people get great ideas in the shower. But I think it is simpler than that: The ideas occur because you are not making an effort to think. You are not worried about anything. You are not stressed. Hence some of your best thinking occurs. When the mind is in absolute serenity, it receives momentous power for the release of refined ideas. You are place in a position to listen and hear the voice of your spirit man. Every human being has an inner voice which speaks to him or her on a daily basis, but the truth is that we do not hear this counselor because our mind is too crowded with the burden of daily occurrences. Therefore, to be crazily innovative, you must allow your brain to dwell in a siren atmosphere.

2. Sleep on it: There are things you cannot immediately find answers to, though they are fundamental. Do you have a big problem to wrestle with? Just sleep on it and you will definitely find answers at the right time and in the right place. When it comes to big ideas and problem solving, the best thing to do is sleep on it. The next time you want to solve a major challenge or be unusually brilliant, think about it in bed. Do not push yourself to figure out the answer before you fall asleep. Instead, just go through the issues at hand and tell yourself that you will have the answer in the morning. In my experience, this technique amplifies the power of the shower, because there are even fewer distractions to occupy your mind when you are asleep.

You can employ an alternate version of this while awake. The next time you cannot think of an important fact, just tell yourself audibly, "I will not think about this for a while, and the answer will come to me." This technique clears the traffic in your mind and lets your subconscious go to work. Your answer will often pop into your head the moment you stop "thinking about it."

3. Engage in mind-mapping: Engaging yourself in a mind- purging exercise is fundamental to your craving for innovativeness. Purging is a great way to make new connections and create bigger ideas. Do you have a tough challenge to solve? Get a giant piece of paper (write small if you cannot find one). In each quarter of the paper, write a keyword related to the challenge. For example, if you want to plan a cool family vacation, you might write the words "destinations," "transportation," "memories," and "kids."

Then, in no particular order, begin to brainstorm any word that comes to mind when you think of each of the keywords. For example, for "Transportation": plane, train, automobile, John Candy, pillows, sleep, sleeping bag, tent, treehouse, memories, dreams, daydreams, smells, popcorn, movies, adventure, pirates, islands, e.tc. Eventually, you will begin to make connections, and ideas that unify the key aspects of your goal will pop off the page.

Strive for as many words as you can, and do not judge the words. Judging is looking at the traffic when you are driving—it keeps you from coming up with ideas. Eliminate the traffic. That is what purging is all about. It is the process of eliminating mental cobwebs from your mind.

You can employ this simple technique yourself or do it in groups to loosen up your team. Imagine how much fun you will have explaining to your family how you came up with the idea of renting a tree house for your vacation in Abuja.

4. Schedule Your Daydreaming: Do everything within your power to avoid mental distraction and mind wondering. We all have a time of day when our brains work the best. For many, it is first thing in the morning, before rush hour. Unfortunately, the CrackBerry addiction has many of us checking our e-mail just when our brains are the most capable of creating.

The moment you check your e-mail, voice mail, or to-do list, you have hijacked your imagination. You have created a mental traffic jam. Do yourself a favor and schedule daydreaming. Unplug during the time that you know you do your best thinking and find a place that makes you feel energized. A lot of people love the local coffee shop. The buzz of conversation, the smells, colors, and energy create a safe haven for the mind to wander. Some prefer the library or the park. Whichever it is that you fancy, go there. Let your mind wonder!

5. Laugh it out: Laughing is another great way to liberate your brain. Often consciously doing silly-seeming things will get the creative juices flowing. Spin a top. Get an ice cream cone. Get together with friends in a blissful way. Attend a comedy party and laugh it out. A good comedy show like a night of a thousand laughs can do wonders in bringing out your creativity and innovativeness.

Yes my friend, I believe you enjoyed everything you have read so far. Get up and practicalize them now! Do not procrastinate! As you test these five techniques, you will find some work better than others. If it turns out you really do get your best ideas in the shower, be conscious of the circumstances under which they occurred. What was the water temperature like? How long had you been in there? What time was it? Replicate the experience.

It sounds crazy, you might say. You will find the effort worthwhile. "The bottom line is that gifted performers are almost always made, not born. The journey to superior performance is for neither the faint of heart nor the impatient," says Rand Stagen, senior partner of Stagen, a management consulting firm that specializes in helping mid-market companies scale. "Just as in sports, becoming an elite performer in business requires struggle, sacrifice, and honest (often painful) self-assessment. Depending on the scope and difficulty of the skill to be learned, it will take months and probably years to achieve a high level of proficiency or mastery." This is a task that requires creativity and innovation.

Learning how to implement these approaches is often what separates a brilliant thinker from a creative want-to-be. At first, you may feel silly, but we promise they will work.

How to be crazily innovative is a fundamental way to brilliant thinking. You need to be a creative thinker to be unique and outstanding.

See you at the top!


Positive affirmation brings to your door step the power of attracting riches. This is one of the wise motivations that give momentum to wealth creation and accumulation. Affirmation is an assertion, declaration, pronouncement, announcement and verification about what you believe or desire.

Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat its fruit thereof.

If your desire is to have an abundance of money to fill your needs, practice this affirmation: "I always have an abundance of money to meet all my needs." Repeat it several times, and then stop affirming. Be silent while knowing, visualizing, and feeling how it is to already have the amount of money you desire. Feel as though it has already happened and that all your needs are more than satisfied. While in this state, hold yourself open to all the ways and means by which you will have money flow into your life to meet your every need.

1. Take a plain sheet of paper, and write down all the ways that your spirit-mind can reveal as a means of creating that amount of money you so much desire.

2. Go through each point carefully and prayerfully. Analyze each idea to keep your self abreast with the knowledge required to succeed with that idea.

3. Choose about three or at most five of those ideas, and commit your self to actually work it. Do this with determination and absolute faith in yourself, your creator and in the idea.

Attracting money through the power of positive affirmations will greatly transform your financial life if you can take the time to commit yourself to practicing it on a daily basis.

See you at the top!



It is the cravings of all success oriented business owners, whether small or big to know how to achieve organizational growth. Every management team desires organizational growth, but many are often frustrated because they lack the best approaches to employ. While there are many academic models depicting the growth stages of a company, I owe you a duty in this article to suggest real-world ways for companies large and small to achieve organizational growth. Armed with this information, you can achieve the growth you have long desire.

The following ways are pragmatic and result oriented methodology for achieving organizational growth.

· Research and enter new markets
· New product/service development
· Licensing
· Sell off old winners
· Partnership/Merger
· Acquisition
· Venture capital/IPOs 
Let us at this moment look at the above points in a more detailed form.


Market research is an effective way to increase organizational relevance and or growth. Research and entering new markets is an obvious way to expand a company. Look around your niche and create a niche within your niche. Creating additional demand for a firm's product or service, especially in a market where competition has yet to fully develop, is a much sought after experience for growing enterprises.

Research markets outside your location, seek and explore any prospected opportunity. Do not remain a local champion, and limit yourself. No business enterprises or organization can achieve growth just concentrating in one market. Take a close look at every successful business organization; you will discover to your amazement that they create products in diversities to adequately satisfy a hungry market.

There is more you can do successfully other than what you currently engage in at the moment. If you are operating offshore look for markets in onshore. Stretch your potential and explore all markets within your niche. Be hungry for feeling your market with useful products and resourceful services. For example, as more and more companies move parts of their operations off-shore, more opportunity and awareness is created for other companies to serve the markets in those foreign locations. You can key into those areas to achieve organizational growth.


Testing the market and evaluating product performance is a key factor in establishing organizational growth. Some of the strategies suggested for organizational growth benefit the firm in generating cash. Product or service development is a smart place to use that cash in order to create future growth for your company. Many successful companies reinvest part of their profits in developing new products, either completely new products or extensions or adaptations of existing ones. It is a common truth that if you want to be successful, you must follow the footsteps of those who have proven themselves successful over time.

For some companies, such as pharmaceutical manufacturers, maintaining a robust new product pipeline is essential to long-term growth, relevance and basic stability because their drug patents will eventually expire and they will face daunting competition from producers of generic and imitator drugs. Other companies such as toy and clothing producers face highly vacillating and changing markets that demand a constant flow of new products. While all research and development into new products does not turn up major new product launches, in the long run new products often prove to be some of a company's most important assets.


Licensing your most cherished invention, ideas, concepts and intellectual properties to avoid undue duplication. "License your most advanced technology," advised Tom Peters. The idea behind this is that no technologies can be truly proprietary today. A rival or an outsider will soon copy whatever a company has developed. Save competitors the hassle of and profit from copying by selling current technology. This creates cash flow for the company to fund future research and development and creates switching costs by making others dependent upon a firm's applications.


There is no gain in getting married to old inventions and or concepts where as there are more useful ones that can guarantee you instant profit. No matter the good result you may be getting from it, until you get rid of the old, you can never experience the benefits of the new, better, and best. In my few years of doing business and teaching business management, I have seen business owners who are so in love with old technologies, that they vehemently resist any advice to get a new technology. Even if the new technology offers better ways of doing business, they are contented to live the obsolete even when the best is available and affordable. How can one succeed in business with that kind of mentality? Friend there is no dignity in clinging to the old when the new is available, affordable and preferable.

Getting rid of the cash cow operations to focus on growing newer enterprises can make sense for organizations trying to grow. Even though it sounds contradictory at first, top dollar is commanded in the market for this kind of business and the necessary capital to fuel growth of other operations is generated. The decline of a sold cash cow is left up to the new owner. Meanwhile, ventures that were new at the time of that sale may now be cash cows ripe for picking. An addition to this line of thinking is the divesting of older technology or products. Emerging markets such as Latin America and Eastern Europe have been favorite places for companies to get rid of outdated products or technology. These markets may not yet be able to afford state-of-the-art goods, but can still benefit from older models


Joint Venture/Alliance is a formidable strategy for achieving organizational growth. This strategy is particularly effective for smaller firms with limited resources; however, in a business environment where changing demand, supply, and manufacturing or service conditions are an everyday occurrence," partnering" makes sense for the large organization as well. Forming joint ventures or alliances gives all companies involved the flexibility to move on to different projects upon completion of the first, or restructure agreements to continue working together. Subcontracting, for example, allows firms to concentrate on those portions of their businesses which they do best.

Partnership /Merger helps in the following ways\
  1. Inject partners with new ideas  
  2. Create access to new technologies
  3. Empower the mergers with human capital of great resource
  4. Introduce new approaches
  5. Establish larger markets
  6. Ensure stability and Vigor
All of the above have positive implications for the growth of all firms involved. Creating ventures with upstart or overseas firms may present the best opportunities for accomplishing this.


If you want to grow your organization try to buy other smaller or bigger companies that will greatly enhance your market share capitalization. Both small and large firms get bigger by buying other companies. Merger-mania cyclically sweeps the business world as a preferred method to increase a company's size, revenues, product or service offering, etc. Successful mergers and acquisitions will blend resources to create a synergy while improving existing core competencies.


Venture capital firm will provide cash to firms it expects will have extremely fast growth. The venture capital firms will expect to be rewarded for its capital infusion with large payoffs at an initial public offering (IPO), the point at which the small private firm issues public stock. For companies small or large, growth must be funded, but where can one get the money? Where large public firms issue stock or debt, smaller private firms search for capital from banks, private investors, or venture capital firms.

For any company that has achieved growth, the work has just begun. Managing and sustaining growth is imperative if the initial progress is to have any lasting positive effects for the company.

Knowing how to achieve organization growth is a key factor in establishing organizational relevance and profitability.
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