The histories of old were not made by luck, but by a definite belief in ones ability for success, and an absolute commitment to manifest their beliefs. In the same vein, the future record breakers shall be who will refuse to be spectators, but determined to be achievers; those who believe that they can win.
If there is any potent factor of success, it is belief. It is belief that made Thomas Eva Edison to persist in the face of fierce opposition, rejection, criticism and failure until he produced electricity and became the world’s most celebrated. His generation celebrated him because he contributed positively to their improved standard of living. Past, present and future generation are gladdened because of his haven lived. Though, he his long dead, but his contributions to making the world a better place are still singing his name and his praise. Friend, are you a minus or a plus in your generation? If you die today what will your generation regrets missing? Are you contributing to make the world a better place, or you are creating and constituting a problem? Think about it.
Every day we dream of reaching the top in our career, profession, business, or ministry. Majority of the time we meet with temporary defeat and fail to achieve our ambitions. When this happens instead of putting it in perspective and soar bravely to begin again with the motivating power of belief, we tend to become frustrated and give up. This is not the right thing to do. It shows that we were not at all committed to our dreams. It shows that our dreams were not important to us. When your dream is important to you, you will not afford to give it up because of some present difficulty. Who told you that every good thing comes easy? But when you persist by refusing to give up God will send you a helper who has the ability and the willingness to help you to achieve every detail of your dreams.
I have lived a while in this world, and I have spent all my years in search for answers to the puzzles I have come meet in this world. These puzzles made me to set up a lot of controlled experiment to enable me to find answers to these puzzles so that I can help my self and also be in a vantage position to help others. My discoveries have being pretty much interesting, inspiring and challenging. They have helped to transform my life from a dismal failure to a resourceful person. Those with whom I have shared it with are also experiencing remarkable changes in their lives, and I am convinced it will do you good as well. I have seen two people being confronted with the same problems, but while one is consumed by it, the other prevailed. Going back to my controlled experiment, I discovered the reasons behind this and I am committed in this article to share one with you.
The primary reason why men give up on their dreams and ultimately end up as failures in life is because they do not belief in themselves, their dreams and their creator. They lack the motivating power of belief. Because they do not believe that it is possible for them to climb to the top, they also fail to persist. And because they fail to persist, they also fail to discover the fundamental steps that lead to greater heights in their chosen field of endeavor. Those who believe in them selves, believe in their dreams, and believe in their creator are those who are known today as successful. They are the worlds and God’s most celebrated men and women. They are the record breakers and the pace setters. They are those who have gone through the fire, the storm, the water, and the rigors of life. They are those who have walk through the valley and the shadow of death, and survived. They are those whom troubles have troubled on every side, but they persisted to the end and receive a glorious crown of joy. They have loss friends, love ones, husbands, wives, children, jobs, careers, parents, money, reputations, respect, positions of influence and affluence, business and fortunes. They face rejection on every side, even the rejected teamed up to rejected them. They have suffered oppression from heartless men in the society, men have planned evil against them but God delivered them. They were labeled with evil reputation because they did not fit in to the standards of men. They came to their own but their own rejected them. They cried out but no one came to their rescue. In the face of all these they refuse to give up because they know that the glory that lies ahead of them is far greater than their momentary tragedy.
Some times when men see them in their blessed state, they only speak of this new experience, but they never know what these men and women have survived. Every great man or woman you see today have faced and conquered many things to get to where they are today. If they had given up, their name would have forever gone into extinction.
He that went out to sow in tears shall return with a song of joy carrying sheaves with him; for God shall reward all their wasted years with a triumphant victory. He shall replace their shame with fame, their ashes with beauty, their pain with gain, and their disgrace with grace. He shall so transform their lives to the point that their lives will become amazement and an example of the God’s goodness.
The how-to-do-it inevitably comes to those who believe in themselves, their dreams and their creator.
What does it mean to believe in your self, in your dream and in your creator?
Believe in Yourself: Every individual is created unique. We are all endued and endowed with creative potentials to be successful in our designated area of endeavor. But some times circumstances of life tend to push us around until we conclude that we do not have what it takes to be successful. But that is not true. That you tried to do something reasonable with your life and failed does not mean you do not possess what it takes to be successful. That you are suffering today does not mean you will suffer forever. That you failed a test or an interview does not mean you will never make it in life or pass another test, exam or interview in your entire life. For the fact that ignorant men have concluded your life as failure does not mean you should join them to resign your self to a life of misery.
I do not know who you are, but God knows; and you are not reading this article by accident. It has being planned by divinity. This encounter is unique because God wants to do something unique in your life that will take you to places you have never imagined that you will be, and heights you have never envisage you will attain. You can make a difference and become the world and God celebrated if you take the time today and make the effort to believe that you have what it takes to succeed. Every day you wake up, say to yourself, ‘I have all it takes to be successful, I do not have the seed of failure in me. I am created to succeed, and will not settle for failure.’
It may be a fact that you came into this world through a poor and an irresponsible parents. It is clear you cannot deny that fact, but realize that it does not make you any less important. It does not mean you carry a seed of failure. It does not mean you are going to end up like them. Fair enough you came into this world through them, but you carry something different, and you are here to fulfill a different mandate. You are here for a different life- a life designed for you by God. People may say you are an illegitimate child, but ignore them. There is no such reality as illegitimate child or illegitimate parents. Those critics came into this world through the mating of male and female human specie. You also came into this world through the mating of male and female human specie. So in what way are they more important than your self? The most important factor is not that your parents were not legally married in human made institution, but that God allowed you to be here on earth because he wants you here to fulfill a mandate which only you can achieve.
Of all the millions of spermatozoa that were released during the sexual union between your father and your mother, only the one that represents you was able to survive the huddles and get it self fused up with the egg for fertilization. Isn’t that amazing! If you fail to fulfill your mandate you will have yourself to blame now and in the world to come. Do not live your life in futility and regret it at the end when it seems that the only thing left is to face your creator for an account of how you have used your life. When you transit from this physiological world, what will the world be missing, and what will you tell your creator you have done with the life and the various opportunities he gave to you? Think about this carefully and apply your heart to wisdom.
Believe in your dreams. We are all here to fulfill a different assignment. If you do not believe that your dreams are achievable, you will end up a miserable failure. Many may have tried what you are doing right now and failed, but you may be the one with right combination of talent to fulfill it. So, put your heart to what you are doing and do it well. The bible said, ‘whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your entire mind and with all your might’.
What is your dream? What is that thing that so forms the center of your thought and your life? Is there any praise in it, is there any virtue in it, is it meaningful and life transforming, is it edifying, will it liberate mankind, will it alleviate men from prevailing problems, will it glorify God and make him proud of you? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you are on the right track, let nothing stop you from achieving it. Do you have a dream of building an educational institution that is uncommon to adequately liberate the people in your area from ignorance? Do you have a dream to establish a skill acquisition center and an industry that will adequately train and financially empower your people and convert them into useful individuals capable of contributing to the betterment of the country? Do you have a dream of building for yourself a befitting house? Do you have a dream of maintaining a cordial relationship with men and with God? Do you have a dream of living a productive and God fearing lifestyle? Do you have a dream of moving into world leadership so that you can politically contribute your own quota to shaping the political system into a more accountable and rewarding institution where their decisions are useful in steering the country in a way that impact positively in the lives of its citizen? All these are good dreams and if you believe they are achievable, you will inevitably receive divine and physical aids for successful accomplishment.
Whatever a man can conceive, believe and act upon with the right mental attitude and pre-established fundamental principles, the man can achieve in the process of time.
Believe in your creator. God told Isaiah, “I know the thought I have towards you. It is not a thought to harm you or allow your life to be meaningless. But my thoughts for you are good thoughts. They are thoughts to give you an expected end of a well fulfilled life”
Friend, God has all the resources, love, influence, power and commitment to make your life successful if only you believe in him and acknowledge him in everything you do. The wisest man that has ever lived, King Solomon, said
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path”.
You may ask, ‘if God has the power to make my life meaningful, and if he also loves me, then why am I facing all these hardship and frustration?’Good question!Whatever we go through in life is not meant to harm us, but to train us. It is because we fail to realize this that is why we complain and conclude that God hates us. But if we put it in perspective we will realize at the end that the pain is gainful.This is so powerful that will like to repeat for emphases sake.
Whatever we go through in life is not meant to harm us, but to train us. It is because we fail to realize this that is why we complain and conclude that God hates us. But if we put it in perspective we will realize at the end that the pain is gainful.
If you must succeed, you must of a necessity believe that you have a loving heavenly father who delights in your total wellness and wellbeing. Your success gives him glory and brings him satisfaction. You must believe that he is capable and willing to commit everything to see that your success is evidence. He may not come when you think he should show up, but he is always on time. He is the only one with the power and willingness to adequately respond to your needs. He alone has the power to pull together all that is required to ensure your success. Therefore you must believe that he is capable and willing to commit everything to see that your success is evidence.
Armed with this conviction, you can go everywhere, do everything fully motivated because you know that your creator is behind you, and he will give you all the necessary aid as at when due. Even if you find things difficult at the moment, you know that he will show up at the right time to help you achieve all your heart desires and all that he has mandated you to fulfill. God is a good God and a present help in the time of need. Everything we are and will ever be is made possible by him, and he desires and planned the best for his entire creature. If only we can believe, all things are possible. There is no such reality as impossible dreams, but what we have is lack of persistence to turn all that seems impossible into possibilities. Anything that seems impossible today is things that we have not discovered the keys to make possible.
Finally my friend, when you believe in yourself, your dreams and your creator, there is no human being, spiritual forces and economic circumstances that can make a failure out of you. When the world economy crashes down, you shall make your own economy because you belong to a kingdom of unlimited prosperity where there lives the most potent and enduring economy. Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ said, ‘My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’. Your needs are not going to be supplied based on the economy of your country, but according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Strong belief triggers the mind to figuring ways and means to fulfill his life’s purpose. Believing you can succeed makes you to put on the right mental attitude that guarantees success. These attitudes are faith, persistence, confidence, enthusiasm, love, compassion, focus, determination, diligence, patience, obedience, optimism, creativity, righteousness, etc. When these attitudes becomes evidence in your life, then people can now see you as being responsible, and they will place their confidence in you and support you to stardom.
Those who believe they can move mountains do. Those who believe they can’t cannot and do not. For believe triggers the power to do, and those who succeeds are those who believe they can.
Belief in outstanding results is the driving force behind every great book, invention, creation, movie, and research, scientific and spiritual discoveries. Belief in success is the power behind every great business, successful church, political organization and academic institution. Belief in success is the brain behind high academic and professional excellence.
On the contrarily disbelief is the destructive power behind every failure. This is so because when the mind is imprisoned with disbelief and doubts, it attracts reasons to support the disbelief. These reasons now become weights that limit the performance of the individual. When a man does not belief in himself he cannot have the strong desire for success, and failure will inevitably becomes his daily companion. Those who harbor the second-best attitude are invariably second-best doers. Friend, believe in yourself, your dreams and your creator, and then good things will start coming your way. The motivating power of belief is all you need for outstanding accomplishment.
If this article has been a blessing to you in one way or the other please share the good news with your friends. Introduce them to this site, and share your testimonies with me. I am sincerely committed to your success.
For counseling, Speaking engagement and more information, please contact me:
Tel: +234-8069506925.
See you at the top!
Cordially Yours,
Precious Ogholaja