Tuesday, February 1, 2011



Eleven Ways to attract, create and make more money will take you from where you are now financially to a more enviable financial status. Making more money is a function of realization. Realization opens your eyes and your mind to financial energies that forces your mind to be attuned to the forces of riches.

Money is a veritable tool for the acquisition of any good thing that the world offers. Think of all the good things that life offers, and you will discover that money makes all these possible. Money is so important to enjoyment of the best that life offers that the bible affirms, “….Money answers all things”. That means money makes possible the acquisition of all the good things of life. You can have all the best idea in the whole world, but without money it will never materialize. For your dreams to be fulfilled, either you or somebody who is financially viable has to commit his or her money to see the realization of that dream. 

Therefore, to make money available for the accomplishment of life’s purpose, you must muster up all your energies to learn how to attract, create and make money. In order to help you in this journey of financial transformation, I am going to share with you eleven ways to attract, create and make more money. It has helped many transform their financial life, it has helped me and I am sure it will work for you. Get ready for a journey of realization! Here are the eleven realizations that empower you to attract, create and make more money:

Realize that money is energy: To attract, create and make more money you must first understand that money is energy. The fact that money is energy means that it can be attracted, created and harnessed. The days where money was measured in terms of gold is gone, and should not be brought back because such yardstick for measurement is not relevant in the contemporary society. In modern society, money is now measured in terms of the application of ideas. It is an exchange of time, and value. 

You have to embark on an enterprise that enables you to attract the kind of quality people who are in love with what you are offering and also have the willingness to commit their money in paying for your services and products. When your products, and or services helps people to find happiness in some areas of their lives, then you are creating value which in turn attract more money to you. Money is truly energy, an idea which has the capacity to expand or contract according to your thought pattern. If your thought pattern is negative, it will compress the energy and inevitably make you poor. But on the other hand if your thought pattern is positive, it will make this energy to expand and attract wealth to you in an uncommon ways. 

Realize that money as energy is affected by your thoughts and actions: Money as an energy flows with thoughts. If you want to attract, create and make more money, you must desire it with an unquenchable passion. You must visualize the comfort that comes with money. You must allow the content of your heart agree with your confession. You must not be afraid of making money. Those who fear money cannot attract, create, and make money.

You need boldness and inner tenacity to attract, create and make more money. Fear will hinder you from making the money you desire. Therefore, crush every trace of timidity if making more money is your passionate craving. You must believe that that money is good and that you cannot be corrupted by money. Feel good about having money and this feeling will help you to attract, create and make more money.

Decide to have money today: Too many people who desire money are still living in poverty because they keep postponing the day they want to make money. If you decide to make money today, your mind will automatically go to work to figure out ways to make more money. Yes! Fate loves the fearless, but the universe is slow for the indecisive. If you keep postponing your day of financial freedom, you may end your life on earth laying up much more burden for children and your entire generation.

Realize that you have a right to be rich; a right to all the money in the whole world, but this will not bring the money easily into your bank account. Your desire to attract, create and make more money today is a major factor in translating your desire into reality. You have to decide to have it today and create ways by which to begin making your dream come true. 

Realize that money requires definiteness of purpose: Money needs a one point focus to enable its physical manifestation. Until you remove confusion from your life and concentrate your effort you will not be able to attract, create and make more money. Money is a servant that obeys every thought instructions that are well constructed in the spirit of emphasis and concentration. When you keep shifting grounds you are making money to avoid you like a plaque. 

Realize that having more money will enable you to impact the world: Yes! Having more money will empower you to be able to help those you truly want to help, and touch more lives positively. So many people are suffering today because you are poor. You look at them with a desire to help, but you do not have enough to respond to the yearning of your heart. Having more money will make your family happy and more fulfilled. Having more money will make you famous and wealthy. This will place you in a position of interacting with highly influential men of the society. It will enable you to travel the world at ease. 

This exalted position can be positively utilized to touch more lives through your daily contacts. This high position will give you the experience of fun and the luxury of being in great abundance which comes as a result of your discovery of value in your self and your ideas. With wealth in your control these ideas can be positively disseminated in ways and manners that help to enhance the lives of those around you. 

Think about it! How will the world look like, if there were no hospitals to treat the sick? The builders of medical institutions did not build them with empty talk, but with money-big money. What about the internet, automobiles, the GSM, computer, aero planes, all which brought improvement to our standard of living. All these came about because of money. With more money, you can truly be a blessing to the world. 

Now! Take a break and think. A rich man and poor man who dearly crave for the financial freedom of his people, which do you think will be able to bring to physical manifestation the object of his desire in ample time? The rich man of course! Why? The reason is obvious; the rich man has money; he can easily transform the lives of his people within a twinkle of an eye. That is the power of money. 

The rich man is rich not because he is lucky than the poor man as many will assume. But on the contrary, he is rich because he has learned how to attract, create and make more money. He has by this intelligent act position himself to bring financial liberation to those he has deemed fit for the extension of his financial good will. Though the poor man sincerely wants to be of help, his financial incapability has placed a great limit on his ability to translate his passion into its physical equivalent.

Too many a time we look within, we often ask ourselves how we can contribute in our own little way to improve our lives and that of our family and those around us, especially those who are looking onto us for survival. We seem to be discouraged by our inability to make meaningful contribution to eradicate the prevailing problems. Well, instead of giving up, I want to advice you to pluck up courage. See your inability today as a challenge to create ability in you tomorrow. If you encourage yourself to learn how to attract, create and make more money, you shall surely find ways to create multiples streams of income which shall put an end to your entire financial struggle. 

A young man once asked me, “where was our parents when their mates were making money?” Good question! Perhaps you are also asking same too. But, get this right. If we continue to blame our parents for our financial trouble instead of seeing our selves as the only obstacle on our way to riches, our children shall ask us the same question in the future when we have nothing to show for all the years we have lived on earth.

You can change your financial situation for the better if you can stop playing the blame game and start committing your self to gainful employment. 

You need to start learning and applying new and reliable techniques of making more money. Start today to learn how to attract, create and make more money, and money shall be your friend forever. 

Realize that money is only an extension of your self: Money is attracted, created and made to become what you will want it to be. When your heart is pure, your money will be pure and the ways you employ to make more money will be pure to give you real satisfaction in your effort to channel it solely on purposes that enhances your personal worth, those around you and for the glorification of the almighty God - the giver of all wealth. But if your heart is evil, your money will be mustered towards purposes that inflict pain on humanity.

Money is an extension of your self. What are you leaving behind? An answer or a problem? Think about it. I know many good and wonderful people, and many of whom unwittingly held themselves in bondage and in a way hide their light from the world because they had chosen to lead their lives in a manner that transformed most of their working hours into little monetary equivalent, and little time for much else. That is why they are suffering greatly.

Realize the importance of creating multiples streams of income: No man ever become rich by doing only a single business. No man ever grows rich by establishing only one source of income. Wealthy men have multiple avenues through which money comes into their bank account. They grow in their niche market and expand into other profitable market and maximized them. Therefore, if you want to attract, create and make more money, find about five profitable source of income and begin to exploit their potential. These five sources of income must be in a market that is highly demand-able. They must offer solution and real value to the targeted customers. 

Seek ways to leverage your skills, time, people and financial resources. Put your money into profitable labour; create multiple sources of income. It is more profitable to make 1% of your profit from 100 markets than to make 100% of your profit from one market. If that single market experience some form of crises, you will be out of business. If all the money you make only comes from one source then you are in real trouble. But if you invest in different profitable market, a problem in one will live you with 99 to offer a stable financial position.

Realize the importance of learning from your superior: One of the best ways to attract, create and make more money is to learn from those who have accumulated money; learning from the rich. Take your time to read financial instructions, money books, business journals, magazines and attend well packaged financial seminars. The information you receive from these sources shall aid you in your journey of learning how to attract, create and make more money. Napoleon hill, Donald Trump, Waren Buffet, Bill gates, Bishop Oyedekpo, Papa Ayo Oritsejafor, Pastor Adeboye, etc all made their money by applying the principles of their mentors. 

You cannot really attract, create and make more money without a financial mentor. If you want to be rich, read books about money and business, and not books on how to heal the sick and cast out devils. Reading financial books will make you develop financial intelligence which is a veritable tool for attracting, creating and making more money.

Decide to be an inspiration: You can make more money in this world if you can help enough people solve their problems in an affordable and unique way. If you can help enough people to conquer their frustration, they will pay you for offering such a valuable service to them. That service will help them to be more productive, happy and significant in life. 

Men are rich only as they give. He who gives great services gets great rewards. 

That is a fundamental truth of major importance in your journey of making more money. It more profitable to memorize and practice it rather spending your entire life studying to be a professor of calculus. It is more rewarding than wasting your life in midnight vigil binding devils and demons that are not really after your progress.  I am not against praying, but I am against ignorance and lack of spiritual intelligence. Let the result that comes out of what you are doing commensurate with the time you are investing into it. You do not have all the time in the world, and using the little time you have to experiment in the land of un-profitability is a mere waste of time grace. 

Search for a real practical solution to the problems of men and offer it to them at a fair price and they will pay you for it. Their payments will in turn increase your bank account. For example, if you want to make one million naira in 90 days, it is simple. Search the market for a real problem with a hungry market. Research reliable and practical solution to the problems you have identified. Take it back to your established market and give it a small price tag for your effort, and the happiness derived from your solution will help make you one million naira richer in 90 days. 

Instead of being a living problem, decide to be a life giving inspiration and your way to accessing, attracting, creating and making more money is sure. Grant your self the freedom to be rich, freedom to live and freedom to experience wealth and abundance.

Trust your Potential and your creator: Every money you are ever going to attract, create and make will be as a direct application of your belief in your innate potential and in the power of your creator to empower you for outstanding result. 

The one, who fears that money will make him or her corrupt and thus choose to live in poverty, is convinced he needs nothing more, while the one, who decides to trust his potential and his judgment, welcomes abundance into his life with which he can then bless his family, community, society, nation and the world at large. 

Friend, never be contented to live in poverty. The continuous stay in poverty is never an evidence of an incorruptible life, but a subtle deprivation in ignorance. It is wise to realize that your happiness exist out side any material object including money, but there is really much good to be done by those who have means to create it.

Surround your self with wealth: One of the easiest ways to attract, create and make money is to make your attitude friendly with wealth. Your attitude and belief about money has to be positive. You must think and act wealthy in some inexpensive but attractive way. The way you talk, dress and do businesses must show that you are ready to attract, create and make more money.

Let the totality of your life and business show excellence, then you will be noticed by men of excellence who will commit their resources to make you rich. You must be attractive to be attracted, you must valuable to be valued, and you must dress well to be addressed well. 

Here are some tips that will be of great help:

Never go out with an empty pocket: Always make sure you carry at least N2, 000:00 in your pocket each time you go out. This will enable you to have boldness and a feeling of confidence whenever you are in the midst of friends. It will enable you to conquer the feeling of being broke. Where the need arises to spend wisely, you will be confident to make your contribution.

Decide how to spend the money: But not till you have walk for many days and experience the joy that comes with the assurance that you can afford to buy those things you saw why taking a walk with your friends. The realization of abundance that surrounds you gives you the idea and opportunity to make more money. It motivates you to seek more ways to attract, create and make more money. You will begin to realize that with more effort, you can afford more money, and with more money you can conquer timidity and afford to give your self and your family a feeling of comfort.

Upgrade your life experience: Take a trip and give your self some treat. Have some fun and enjoy life. Live your environment, travel to a place where you can see the wonders of nature, and also the where you can see and appreciate the achievement of money. This will give you financial inspiration and create a burning desire in you to make more money. This burning desire will open great doors of opportunity for you.

Make new friends: This should be people in the high strata of the society. Because you have treated your self like an intelligent gentleman, you will be highly appreciated and honored. One good contact can expose you to all the quality people connected with this contact. This again is an opportunity of great financial benefit.
Change your belief system. Your belief system should make you attractive to people. If your belief system is repelling people from you, it will take a very long time for you to make more money and be rich. Before people see what you have got to offer, your attitude has given enough advertisement. Your attitude is informed by your belief system that is why you must be positive in how you interact with people. 

If you can change your belief and make it positive you can change your world and ordain your destiny.

Be patient and stay within your means: When you begin to enjoy the comfort and excitement that comes with having more money to spend, the temptation of over doing it becomes obvious. That is why you need patience. If you spend above your means you will end in poverty, and all the respect you are now enjoying will soon disappear, because you will have nothing more to offer to earn respect.

Money is good and can open up doors of opportunity you will never have had should you not be in possession of it. Instead of telling your self that making more money is impossible, dare to be rich and you will. He that wins is he that believes he can. Where there is a will there is a way. To attract, create and make more money, I employ you to put the eleven ways to attract, create and make more money into practice. Whether you have money now or not, it is possible to be a million naira richer before the end of this year. Just put the above principles into your daily routine and be a million naira and richer before the end of this year.This is the year of possibilities, and you must common things in an uncommon ways to make you achieve with the grace of possibilities. In most cases the things that brings greatness is not great things done, but small things done in great ways; exceptional touch of excellence brings into manifestation the grace of possibilities. All things are possible to him who belief.

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See you on top!