Quotes of wisdom are necessary capsule for effective and successful living. In this article, I am going to share with you some great quotes of wisdom that keep you on the right track. Get set for an amazing encounter of wisdom!
1. When the precept of a nation is antiquated the present generation suffers and when the potential of the present generation is inhibited, a heavy burden is laid up for the obligation of future generation.
2. If we fail to build leaders armed with the power of effective and productive leadership techniques in this crucial era, then we would have abdicated our responsibilities as God’s stewards of planet earth.
3. The greatest cross anybody can carry is to risk sacrificing his reputation, ego, name, qualification, job and integrity on the altar of God’s calling by facing the embarrassment of a public failure in the pursuit of some honorable, noble, and divinely inspired dream.
4. Better to live under the leadership of a poor, but wise youth than an old and foolish king who has no regard for sound counsel.
5.When fools are place in high position of leadership, resources are mismanaged and the people lament in pains, but the righteous flourish like a palm tree because they see through the situation and govern themselves with wise counsels.
6. If thou desire to purchase honor with thy wealth, consider first how that wealth became yours; if your labor got it, let your wisdom keep it; if oppression found it, let repentance restore it; if your parent left it, let your virtues deserve it; so shall your honor be safer, better and cheaper.
7. Those who are married to the habit of changing their minds easily and giving excuses and shifting blames justifying their actions when and where they need to be responsible cannot be dependable. Such individuals are capable of dangerous tendencies, and needs to be avoided.
8. Never be too certain about the faithfulness of a fellow until he has been proven in the process of time. Likewise, do not label anyone as unfaithful until you have genuine evidence; for accusation without confirmation is meaningless.
9.Whoever desires leadership position should understand that he seeks a noble position. It is not a palace where reproach is celebrated and immorality tolerated, but a place for brevity, wisdom, and integrity.
10. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
11. Take the evildoer from the tent of the righteous and it shall become a safe place for sanitized living. Do not allow men to abandon the log in their eyes to make story and storm out the dust in your own eye.
12. You may not be able to stop people from giving you advice because some mouth just like to wag, but you can do yourself a whole lot of good by ensuring that you filter and take only that which is healthy and helpful in enhancing your life ambition.
13. What a man does not know can kill him, but what also can make him rich and very successful if he seeks and surround himself with people that know.
14. Whosoever is a know-it-all has permanently locked himself from the peak position of significance and excellence.
15. Do not revile the king even in your thought or curse your ruler and the rich in your bedroom or in secrete places, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.
13. What a man does not know can kill him, but what also can make him rich and very successful if he seeks and surround himself with people that know.
14. Whosoever is a know-it-all has permanently locked himself from the peak position of significance and excellence.
15. Do not revile the king even in your thought or curse your ruler and the rich in your bedroom or in secrete places, because a bird of the air may carry your words, and a bird on the wing may report what you say.
17. Repressed feelings of anger and disappointment do not disappear; they usually fester inside and grow even more toxic.
18. If a man denounces his friend for a reward such a man was never a friend, but an enemy who has not yet discovered.
19. Refrain your feet from treading on the part that leads to the house of a seductive woman and a crafty and an enticing man. For none who go near them ever return or attain the fulfillment of their potential in life.
20. Through the blessing of the righteous a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.
19. Refrain your feet from treading on the part that leads to the house of a seductive woman and a crafty and an enticing man. For none who go near them ever return or attain the fulfillment of their potential in life.
20. Through the blessing of the righteous a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.
21. A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.
22. For lack of guidance a nation falls, but with many good advisers comes the certainty of victory.
23. He who put up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hand in pledge is wise.
24. Like a gold ring in a pig snout is a beautiful woman that lacks discretion.
25. He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servants to the wise forever.
23. He who put up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hand in pledge is wise.
24. Like a gold ring in a pig snout is a beautiful woman that lacks discretion.
25. He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servants to the wise forever.
26. A man cannot be established through wickedness, and the righteous cannot be uprooted once they are established.
27. A wife of noble character is her husband’s pride and crown, but a lazy, dishonest and disgraceful wife is like a decay in his bones, and constitute a dehumanizing burden to a man of purpose.
27. A wife of noble character is her husband’s pride and crown, but a lazy, dishonest and disgraceful wife is like a decay in his bones, and constitute a dehumanizing burden to a man of purpose.
The quotes of wisdom will position you for a life of power, influence, success and high moral standing. If these 27 quotes of wisdom have made sense to you kindly rate my site and make a comment to add your views to the content of the site.
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