Wednesday, October 12, 2011



                    …..learning the techniques of self expression!

Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information from a sender to a receiver. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient. Although the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication, communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. For the purpose of effective communication, it is important that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver has understood the message of the sender.

For the purpose of clarity, we are going to concentrate on the following aspect of communication, taking into in-dept consideration their sub disciplines. You can click on of the links of interest to begin your study.

1.     Human Communication

·        Nonverbal communication
·        Oral communication
·        Written communication and its historical development
·        Barriers to Effective Human Communication

2.     Nonhuman Communication

·        Animal Communication
·        Plants and Fungi (phapondi)
·        Bacterial Communication (Quorum sensing)

3.      Communication cycle
4.     Communication noise
5.     Communication as academic discipline

Click on the links below to learn more:

1.     Mass communication.
2.     Communication theory.
3.     Communication process.
4.     Communication science.
5.     Journalism.
6.     bio-communication
7.     Formal communication.
8.     Informal communication.
9.     Semi formal communication.
10.                        Business communication.
11.                        Written communication.
12.                        Telecommunication.
13.                        Broadband communication.
14.                        Public speaking.
15.                        The mass media.
16.                        Communication and ICT.
17.                        Communication in the contemporary society.
18.                        Poetry.
19.                        Drama.
20.                        Comedy.
21.                        Movie.
22.                        Great speeches.
23.                        Communication and language.
24.                        Communication techniques.
25.                        Communication challenges.
26.                        Great communicator.

Human communication is understood in various ways by those who identify with the field. This diversity is occasioned by the fact that communication is a relatively young field of study, composed of a very broad constituency of disciplines. It includes work taken from scholars of Rhetoric, Journalism, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, and Semiotics, among others. Cognate areas include bio-communication, which investigates communicative processes within and among non-humans such as bacteria, animals, fungi and plants, and information theory, which provides a mathematical model for measuring communication within and among systems.

Generally, human communication is concerned with the making of meaning and the exchange of understanding about human development. One model of communication considers it from the perspective of transmitting information from one person to another. In fact, many scholars of communication take this as a working definition. According to Lasswell maxim, “who says what to whom in which channel with what effect” is a means of circumscribing the field of communication theory. Among those who subscribe to the transmission model are those who identify themselves with the communication sciences, and finds its roots in the studies of propaganda and mass media of the early 20th century.

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Explore to excel!
Precious O.U. Ogholaja

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