Saturday, November 6, 2010



Time management is a basic necessities for personal and business lives in contemporary society. Having identified the activities with which you have decided to fill your hours, days, weeks, months and years, the challenge is to move from optimistic theory to actual practice. It is not easy to actually manage your time properly, but with determination and a little discipline, you can get your self properly organized and use your time to fulfill that which will improve and make your life and your business. The following suggestion will be of great help:

1.     Desire to manage your time: Everything you want in life is accomplished through desire. Without desire there will be no drive for actualization. No one can set out to do anything unless he desires it.
2.     Write out what you intend to do: Keep a daily to do list, and this should be done in accordance with the way you will attend to them. Indicate items in your list that are worth spending more time; indicate those worth spending less time to accomplish. Check out these items when it is completed. Allow your self some flexibility. Any task you cannot finish today should be carried over to tomorrow without any regret.
3.     Write an action: Let this consist of all the steps you have outlined for carrying a particular task or project, and put these in their proper sequence.
4.     Synchronize your Calendars: Do not risk missing an appointment because it is only in other calendar in your computer schedule spreadsheets.
5.     Schedule your most important task: You must schedule your most important task first. It is more profitable to find time for the less important ones after the most important have been successfully accomplished.
6.     Realize that you will not have time for everything: So many people think they are obligated to give attention to everything that demands their attention in life. That is an error that needs immediate correction. Why will you kill your self before your time? Favor activities that only contribute to your betterment; activities that yield the most important results. Other task that are urgent should be assigned to others or pushed forward to a more convenient time. If there is no time available for them, forget about them and fill no regrete. Allocate as much timeas possible to those activities that are related to what you feel is worthwhile in the light of your goals.
7.     Keep a time log: To find where your time is going, you need to develop a system that keep track of it. When you do this you will be able to see how much time you have allocated to activities that leads to the achievement of your major goals in life and that which keeps you far from achieving your goals. Eliminate time wasting activities that have crept in limit your progress.
8.     Schedule less: You are only one person, you simply cannot do everything at once all by your self. If you try to do everything all in one day, you will feel rushed and barely enjoy the process. This only produces stress which in turn reduce your effectiveness and endanger your health.
9.     Schedule the most challenging work for when you are most energetic and lively.
10.                        Do the most unpleasant task as soon as impossible: Do the most challenging of your task first, and once it is out of the way you will definitely feel lively to work through the less challenging activities or projects.
11.                        Minimize interruptions: If you want to be productive in life and business, you must be out of reach some times. This will affored you the opportunity to get refreshed and give excellence to the task before you. Turn off your phone and any electronic that will interrupt your concentration.
12.                        Allow time for the unexpected: You must allow time for emergency. If you know you can successfully accomplish a task or  project in 30 minutes, allocate the time to be one hour. Leave a portion of your day unscheduled so that you can repond adequately to emergencies without interrupting the flow of other activities.
13.                        Apply the 80/20 rule of thumb: this principle states that two out of every ten items on your to do list are the most important. Most task is as good as finished giving it twenty percent attention. Twenty percent of the total area of a given task is enough for the fulfillment of the task. This principle was formulated by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto and is known as the Pareto Principle. The principle states that 80 percent of the results come from about 20 percent of effort.
14.                        Do not be a perfectionist: Know when it is time to stop and move on to the next important activity. Do not spend all you time one task to the detriment of others. Give it the required attention, and when that is done move on to other project.
15.                        Be a professional: Do not wait for the right mood before you start working; it will never come. Start working immediately and you will be in the mood as soon as you start.
16.                        Think on paper: Write down a problem or a task and make it plain. Describe all its details and write down all solutions that comes to mind.
17.                        Periodically take time out to Refresh: Returning to a project with a refreshed mind is more profitable than trying hard to fulfill your task in exhaustiveness and depletion. Great thinkers have observed that returning to duty with a refreshed mind and body is more productive than hours of overtime.
18.                        Be flexible: In carrying out your task do not rigidly follow rules, take some time to experiment and find out what works well for you under certain circumstances. Stick to what you are comfortable with and delete the rest without regrete.
19.                        When you are tired stop: You can only bring excellence to bear in your task of you are in the right frame of mind. Therefore when you are tired, stop and rest. Let no body place you under obligation to over stress your self. 

With the above suggestion you can actually make sense out of your time.These time management techniques will help you accomplish more, make more money and create more time for enjoyment of life.

If this article has been of help to you, please post a comment in the comment box below.

See you at the top!



There are actions exhibited by management that help to kill employee motivation and lowers their performance. But my aim in this article is not to list those negative management actions, but to show you some result oriented management actions that will set your employee on fire and immensely improve their performance. These actions include:

1.     Treat employee as partners, and not as subordinates
2.     Let their work be as fun and rest
3.     Empower them to innovate and initiate as many independent decisions as they can handle
4.     Share the big picture objectives towards which their work should be directed
5.     Offer training for personal development
6.     Increase freedom and responsibility as their capacity grows
7.     Apply useful principles of human relations that will help keep them highly motivated towards excellence
8.     Provide appropriate recognition and rewards when they achieve company goals
9.     Provide tools and conducive atmosphere for optimum performance.

The above point is not exhaustive, but it will help any serious success minded employer or business owner in empowering his employees for high performance. Business grows and makes profit when management knows how to treat well those who labor tirelessly to see to the growth of the business.

Thank you very much for visiting my site. Spend some time to explore the site for more useful articles. I will greatly appreciate any useful suggestion on how to make this site more resourceful. I believe the above nine point management actions that lead to employee motivation and improved performance has been helpful. If this article has been helpful, kindly post a comment. You can also use the comment box to share more light on this topic.

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The Key to organizational Effectiveness

Effective human relations and team spirit is very important for organization effectiveness and productivity. However, as important as it is, it will not come by chance; you have to engage the forces that foster team spirit and effective human relations in an organization.

It is my pleasure to highlight here some useful suggestions that may be of help. Check out the following:

1.     Create a platform for social interaction
2.     Understand the factor of individual differences
3.     Be willing to tolerate and complement
4.     Be genuinely interested in others
5.     Mind your own business where necessary
6.     Reward improvement and celebrate accomplishment
7.     Never criticize
8.     Practice true love
9.     Be willing to forgive and forget
10.                        Respect the opinion of others
11.                        Create team focus
12.                        Establish open communication
13.                        Eradicate the spirit of favoritism
14.                        Remove the little fox that spoil the bloom
15.                        Create an atmosphere for risk taking
16.                        Create room for imperfection
17.                        Establish training and personal development processes

Follow the above suggestions and your team will be full of life, and help you accomplish much in the process of time.

Thank you very much for visiting my site. Spend some time to explore the site for more useful articles. I will greatly appreciate any useful suggestion on how to make this site more resourceful. If this article has been helpful, kindly post a comment. You can also use the comment box to share more light on this topic.

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Quest for Change

Change is a fundamental prerequisite for success, and no man who is rigid, stubbornly refusing the wise hand of change is really serious about success. 

The quest for change should be the passionate longing of every individual who desires real success. In the light of the aforementioned, it is imperative to understand that the attainment of success requires that one make certain changes in his or her approach to success. Whether your principles are yielding results or not, change is inevitable. Where they yield results, a little improvement is needed to enhance your performance, but where they do not produce results, you need to stop and re-organize before you proceed. 

There are many ways to skin a rat. In the same vein, there are many ways to maximize your potential and achieve fulfillment. Do not get stocked in your own ways. Seek advice from people who are ahead of you, carry out research, attend seminars, and read good books. In doing this, you will discover many reliable formula to succeed in your chosen area of endeavor. When you have many options, you can then choose the best out of many bests. 

You are about to receive an instruction that will position you properly for a life of wisdom. I recommend that you pay a careful attention to them, for here lays a path leading to a life of bliss and fulfillment. 

The instruction you choose to receive and obey determines the future you create and inevitably experience. 

The above statement is so powerful, and I want you to memorize it until it becomes permanently engraved on the tablets of your heart. God will not come down from heaven to make your life meaningful, but he has and will continue to give you instructions such as the one you are reading right now. It is your responsibility to choose to obey or ignore it. 

This chapter is loaded with creative counsel that will break unfavorable traditions from your life and set you free to explore your world and enjoy life to the fullest. It will upgrade your mind to reason from a higher pedestal of life. 

Do not be conformed to the standard of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may be able to govern your life with unshakable and unbeatable principles of success which have been the guiding force of all outstanding men of ages past, and the present generation, and will be the guiding light of future generation into the land of great possibilities. 

Change is inevitable if you must succeed. In everything you do try to embrace change. Do not fight against, but find a way to profit from its blessings. Your life will forever radiate glory if you co-operate with change.

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. Do not be contented to wait and see things happen, but let us encourage ourselves with the determination to make the right things happen. Never listen to the recommendation of mediocre living. A man flattened by his opponents can stand again but a man flattened by conformity stays down.

Men may mock you because you are going through some debilitating experience, but do not give up your greatness is sure. A successful man is the one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. No matter degrading and degenerating a man may be, he can alter his life for the better by changing what goes on in his mind.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must act now.Without time for prayer nothing can be accomplished. 

When a word from God is given, reason has no necessity.

Never allow the thought ‘I am of no use where I am’ to rule your life; for you are certainly of no use where you are not. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated every day. No one is born empty in this world; everyone is pregnant of one thing or the other. Remember, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.

Lack of something to feel important about is almost the greater tragedy a person may have.
Everybody must be somebody to somebody to be anybody. If you want to feel rich, just count up all the things you have that money cannot buy.

The future has several names for the weak, it is the impossible, for the fainthearted, it is unknown; for the thoughtful and valiant, it is the ideal.

The greatest discovery of past and present generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. Some people only dream of success and do nothing to achieve it, while others wake up and work at it. You can be anything you want to be if only you believe in sufficient conviction and act in accordance with you faith; A whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

The greatest person is one who went ahead and did the thing the rest of us never quite get around to.

It is time to change your mediocre mentality that has limited you to that position for so long. This is the time to aim high and strive intelligently for its achievement. All successful men of ages past and that of the present generation were men who embrace change. Doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result is the great insanity the present generation.

Shoot at the moon, even if you miss it, you will land among the stars.

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. You should not remain where you started; life requires one to make meaningful progress in reasonable time frame. Your world is waiting for your change. It is only change that bring lasting development and relevance.

Look at your life are there anything that is weighing you down? Are still carrying excel luggages from your past life? Are there habits you need to change from? Are there new opportunities you have to embrace? The time to do it is now!

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