Time management is a basic necessities for personal and business lives in contemporary society. Having identified the activities with which you have decided to fill your hours, days, weeks, months and years, the challenge is to move from optimistic theory to actual practice. It is not easy to actually manage your time properly, but with determination and a little discipline, you can get your self properly organized and use your time to fulfill that which will improve and make your life and your business. The following suggestion will be of great help:
1. Desire to manage your time: Everything you want in life is accomplished through desire. Without desire there will be no drive for actualization. No one can set out to do anything unless he desires it.
2. Write out what you intend to do: Keep a daily to do list, and this should be done in accordance with the way you will attend to them. Indicate items in your list that are worth spending more time; indicate those worth spending less time to accomplish. Check out these items when it is completed. Allow your self some flexibility. Any task you cannot finish today should be carried over to tomorrow without any regret.
3. Write an action: Let this consist of all the steps you have outlined for carrying a particular task or project, and put these in their proper sequence.
4. Synchronize your Calendars: Do not risk missing an appointment because it is only in other calendar in your computer schedule spreadsheets.
5. Schedule your most important task: You must schedule your most important task first. It is more profitable to find time for the less important ones after the most important have been successfully accomplished.
6. Realize that you will not have time for everything: So many people think they are obligated to give attention to everything that demands their attention in life. That is an error that needs immediate correction. Why will you kill your self before your time? Favor activities that only contribute to your betterment; activities that yield the most important results. Other task that are urgent should be assigned to others or pushed forward to a more convenient time. If there is no time available for them, forget about them and fill no regrete. Allocate as much timeas possible to those activities that are related to what you feel is worthwhile in the light of your goals.
7. Keep a time log: To find where your time is going, you need to develop a system that keep track of it. When you do this you will be able to see how much time you have allocated to activities that leads to the achievement of your major goals in life and that which keeps you far from achieving your goals. Eliminate time wasting activities that have crept in limit your progress.
8. Schedule less: You are only one person, you simply cannot do everything at once all by your self. If you try to do everything all in one day, you will feel rushed and barely enjoy the process. This only produces stress which in turn reduce your effectiveness and endanger your health.
9. Schedule the most challenging work for when you are most energetic and lively.
10. Do the most unpleasant task as soon as impossible: Do the most challenging of your task first, and once it is out of the way you will definitely feel lively to work through the less challenging activities or projects.
11. Minimize interruptions: If you want to be productive in life and business, you must be out of reach some times. This will affored you the opportunity to get refreshed and give excellence to the task before you. Turn off your phone and any electronic that will interrupt your concentration.
12. Allow time for the unexpected: You must allow time for emergency. If you know you can successfully accomplish a task or project in 30 minutes, allocate the time to be one hour. Leave a portion of your day unscheduled so that you can repond adequately to emergencies without interrupting the flow of other activities.
13. Apply the 80/20 rule of thumb: this principle states that two out of every ten items on your to do list are the most important. Most task is as good as finished giving it twenty percent attention. Twenty percent of the total area of a given task is enough for the fulfillment of the task. This principle was formulated by an Italian economist named Vilfredo Pareto and is known as the Pareto Principle. The principle states that 80 percent of the results come from about 20 percent of effort.
14. Do not be a perfectionist: Know when it is time to stop and move on to the next important activity. Do not spend all you time one task to the detriment of others. Give it the required attention, and when that is done move on to other project.
15. Be a professional: Do not wait for the right mood before you start working; it will never come. Start working immediately and you will be in the mood as soon as you start.
16. Think on paper: Write down a problem or a task and make it plain. Describe all its details and write down all solutions that comes to mind.
17. Periodically take time out to Refresh: Returning to a project with a refreshed mind is more profitable than trying hard to fulfill your task in exhaustiveness and depletion. Great thinkers have observed that returning to duty with a refreshed mind and body is more productive than hours of overtime.
18. Be flexible: In carrying out your task do not rigidly follow rules, take some time to experiment and find out what works well for you under certain circumstances. Stick to what you are comfortable with and delete the rest without regrete.
19. When you are tired stop: You can only bring excellence to bear in your task of you are in the right frame of mind. Therefore when you are tired, stop and rest. Let no body place you under obligation to over stress your self.
With the above suggestion you can actually make sense out of your time.These time management techniques will help you accomplish more, make more money and create more time for enjoyment of life.
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