Every business is faced with competition. While others are standing at disadvantage position, some are soaring at a vantage position because they know and implement a structure which is entirely peculiar to them. Those with this kind of structure are the ones that stay ahead of competition to capture an ever increasing potential market. They are the ones who know how to conquer competition.
In this article, I am going to introduce you to some basic structural advantage that can make you stand out in business, ministry, profession and or calling. I referred to them as the Supreme Fundamental Intelligence. To completely stay ahead of competition, you must master these supreme competitive advantages. These supreme competive advantages can never be bettered by your competitors, if you protect and nourish them
The Supreme Fundamental Intelligence is as follows:
1. Knowledge Intelligence
2. Understanding Intelligence
3. Wisdom Intelligence
4. Marketing Intelligence
5. Personnel Intelligence
6. Divine Intelligence
7. System Intelligence
8. Financial Intelligence
9. Social Intelligence
10. Legal Intelligence
11. Business Intelligence
12. Effectiveness Intelligence
13. Efficiency Intelligence
14. Passion Intelligence.
You may say, ‘Precious, I am unique, and I am not in competition with anybody?’ That sounds great and philosophical, but may I ask you a question? Do you depend on other people’s patronage or recommendation in one way or the other? If your answer to the above is in the affirmative, then you better get your perspective right. Every one of us is in one form of competition or the other. Whether you are a pastor or a business man, a teacher or a professor, we are all trying to be the best in our chosen field of endeavors. We are all trying to outshine others so that we can be given that recognition of relevance. Our entire struggle is focused on trying to assume relevance. We may not want to admit it, but that is the truth.
Whatever you do, if you grow with the mentality of I am not in competition with any body, I want you to realize that the other person may not share the same opinion with you. Therefore, he will put in every effort to stay ahead of you, and where his best surpasses your best, he will inevitably become a winner. Take it or leave it, we are all running a race for relevance, and anyone who runs it well will become recognized and rewarded.
In everything you do, you must know and implement what your fellow competitor does not know, if you must stay ahead of him. It is what you know that your fellow man does not know that puts you ahead of him. And if he gain access to it and implement it in a unique way that produces more result than yours, you will eventually be replaced. Therefore, to stay ahead you must be able to be ahead. Your relevance is directly proportional to the effectiveness and efficiency of your contribution. The day you seize to make meaningful contribution to those whom you rely on their patronage to survive that is the day you lose your value and relevance. The man with the right answer becomes the number one man.
This how ever does not mean that you must stab somebody at the back to take undue advantage of him, but it does mean that you endeavor to be your best and your best must legally and justifiably make you stand out and become preferred in the midst of all your equals. Daniel was selected the best among 120 governors in the land of Babylon who where helping the king to govern the people. He did not assume that position because he lobbied or kill somebody. He was preferred because he had an exceptional quality, the kind and type that the king preferred. These exceptional qualities made him to stand out and become relevant, even in a strange land. When you continue to put in your best in everything you do, you will eventually end up the best!
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