Friday, February 12, 2010


This is motivation for Optimum Performance!Everything in this page is motivational. The journey of success is full challenges which one must fearlessly confront, master and utilize for his or her exploit. To soar bravely you need to be properly motivated to cloth your self with self esteem and the required energy to activate your hidden potentials and to achieve what God has created you to achieve. Without proper motivation, success will be denied those who wished for it. The motivation for success is the driving force behind every outstanding accomplishment and excellent lifestyle.

It is my commitment to bring across your way all motivational articles and quotes that is required to adequately motivate you to be that which you were created to be. Let the shackles of mediocrity fall off your feet and let your mind be receptive to the counsel of excellence, and you shall receive motivation for optimum performance.


You are a miracle, and not a mistake! Too many times we look at the misfortune and some of the little temporary failings of our lives and conclude we are a mess to our generation. But a closer look at life will prove us wrong. The fact that we some times fall into some miserable ends does not mean we are good for nothing, but it does reveal to us that we are important.


Take your minor set backs and the stones that negative people and circumstances throw at you, put them in perspective and use them as a stepping stones to greatness. The fact that you survived all the odds, humiliation, frustration, betrayal and denial is an indication that you not a mistake but a miracle. You may have come to this world through pains and gross difficulty, but understand that you are a miracle.


It is the man with the ball heading for the goal that receives the most attack. Sometimes he falls, because of the severity and diversity of the attacks. However, the man who scores the goal is the one who refuse to allow him self be stopped by the attackers; he is the one who is focused; the one who is determined to win at all cost.


The fact that you are still alive means your generation needs you, and you
must stand up tall with confidence and belief that you can make it.
Then your generation will be happy you lived. There is something in you
that will make you stand out! Search for it, discover it and utilize
You are a miracle and not a mistake!


The top beckons on you!


Welcome to the window of greater opportunity for complete transformation!
This page houses links to great resource for personal, organizational, and career transformation.

Motivational Articles: There is no man that has ever done extraordinary thing in life that was not under the influence of strong words of motivation. The future generals, great achievers will be those who are properly motivated in the right direction for the fulfillment of their highest aspirations.
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Words of Wisdom: Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore in all your getting get wisdom and your life shall preserve good judgment and common sense that will ensure the safety of your life. Read more……

Success Stories: History is compassed with many who have taken their names out of the book of dismal failures and indelibly write it in the success book of ultimate achievers. To be successful, one must learn from those who have succeeded, and let their knowledge establish our quest for success. Read more……

Relationship and Sex: The success of any individual is coordinated by many factors of which Relationship and Sex is a major fundamental. Anyone who performs poorly in this department will eventually not experience reasonable amount of progress in other departments of life. Read more………….

Personality Digest: The generation that celebrates their heroes and nobles before their demise does well, but wicked generation only celebrates achievers when they are long gone. Read more……………

Business and Finance: Every great enterprise is established by wisdom and it performs wonderfully by keeping abreast of the facts. Read more……………

Career and Campus Life: The position of relevance one occupies today is directly proportional to the career choice he or she makes, and how he or she interacts with the environment that made it possible.  
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Youth Ministry: The youth are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore it is imperative to drive into them the core values that will make them resourceful leaders. Read more………

Teaching ministry: The teaching ministry is the foundation of every successful social, economical, spiritual and political polity. Properly structured teaching ministry gives birth to a well balanced educated citizen.

Employment: Every individual needs to be gainfully employed to be useful to him self, his family and the society at large. Read more………

Bible History and Prophesy: Get acquainted with bible history and Prophesy. Read more……………


Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now, wherever he is and make a brand new effort for a brand new day to secure a brand new life and a brand new end.
Your best days have just begun. You have everything awaiting your enjoyment; therefore, do not give up in the days of adversity. No matter what you have gone through in the past, realize that you cannot change the past, but you can do something positive today that will enable you to live happily all the days of your life. You may even be going through some hurts and difficulties right now that those around you do not seem to understand. The pain may have taken hold of a major part of you that you are even considering the option of suicide. Listen, this is not the time to die, but a time to live, and prove to your enemies that you are not created a failure!
You may say, ‘this guy does not understand the mess I am in right now. If he does, will quite understand that I have tried everything, but I only have one option left-death’ Friend listen, I understand completely how you feel. I was once at his point five years back. So, I know exactly how it feels to watch others enjoying while your life is a catalogue of one problem or the other. I know how it feels for all your friends and family members to abandon you to fate. I know how it feels to see all those you have relied on all your life, praying that you die because your life is sort of becoming an embarrassment to them. To day the case is different because I decided to live after hearing a comforting word from my spiritual father. I heard his testimony- a testimony of success in the midst of fierce adversity. He shared with us how God transformed him from a dismal failure to a voice to be reckoned with. Today he lives a radiating and relevant figure. I said to myself if God can change his life after going through all that mess, he can change mine. I bet you, he does! I never thought life could be this meaningful, but God made it possible through obedience to the voice of wisdom from his man servant- papa Ayo Oritsejafor.
Friend, despite your adversity, do not forget to understand that difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping stones to greater experience. And some day, you will be thankful for some of the challenges that came your way. But for those challenges, you would not have taken a pragmatic step to transform your life. When one door closes realize that many others are open, and if you can look carefully, you will see a dependable and profitable one. Your disappointments, hurts, pains and failures were allowed because there is a divine appointment waiting to greet you with gladness and prosperity. There is a fundamental truth I want you to print indelibly in your heart, and for emphasis I will want to state it clearly in red.
“Our finest moments are most likely to happen when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, unloved, insignificant and without help. For it is only in such moments, moved by our discomfort and despicable experience, that we are likely to dare to step out of our ruts and begin a search for different ways and better answers”
Determine today that you will not give up now amongst footmen because you must still soar bravely to run with horsemen for your greater and significant achievements. An achievement that the present and future generation will look up to, and find solace in the time of need. This is an accomplishment that will bring an undulating glory to your creator, Lord and maker. The future beckons on you, and a life of fulfillment awaits your rising. Let this be your moment of courage; your day to rise and say, ‘this is not a time to die, but a time to live. This is a time to enjoy life and satisfaction from the almighty God.  This is a time to be a blessing to my generation, and not a curse’. There is time for everything, and this is not only your time, but your turn to experience the love of God and be free from the grip of every power that wants to see you die. Since they cannot kill you while you are in your mothers womb, they will not succeed to kill with frustration. You have survived the greatest battle- the battle of conception. You took the lead and arrived planet earth safely, and no power in Hades can stop you from become a success. You are a star; do not give up in the days of adversity, and all your wasted years shall be turned to gainful years.
The future beckons on you!