Saturday, November 14, 2009





Do not be conformed to the standards that limits and inhibit, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind through pre-established wise counsel that you may be able to know and understand how to live productively and achieve your highest expectaion in the land of the living. 

This is a motivation, an inspiration and human development site dedicated to developing and building  quality, progressive and sustainable lifestyle through the application of Pre-established wise counsel. The principles advocated in this site are time tested and life transforming guidelines for peak performances. It has been the solid foundation upon which great men and women of ages build their empire of outstanding achievement and left their foot print in the sand of time. Likewise, it shall be the principles upon which the present and future generation shall build a viable, blissful and fulfilling life.

You shall benefit from the wealth of wisdom that great minds have had and kept. You shall be introduce to the real you, the most endued and endowed creation of the almighty God. You shall be able to command great power; power which can only be evoke by realization of what you contain, and an absolute belief in your self, your mission, the provision for your mission,  and  an unshakable believe in the power and goodness of creator. This power can be evoke at anytime anywhere to solve any prevailing need. It is capable of confronting and subduing any emergency. It is not under the control of any forces, persons or circumstances.

If you apply your heart to wisdom; your life shall receive illumination that transcends the realm of the natural, illumination which has been the guiding light of the world’s greatest, illumination from the throne room of infinite intelligence.

Stay with me in this site and your life shall never remain the same. You shall enjoy every experience as you make this your favorite site. I am sincerely committed to your total development and wellness. Your success is guaranteed in this site! Everything you need for a total transformation and outstanding achievement is loaded here. It is a resource center for profitable living.

Areas in which this site will help you to improve your life includes the following:
  1. Personal Development
  2. Productive Lifestyle
  3. Motivation and Inspirational Quotations
  4. Relationship
  5. Productive Opportunities
  6. Spiritual Instructions
  7. Self Discovery
  8. Wealth Creation
  9. Business and Finance Insights
  10. Career Counseling 

For more life transforming article, click the following links:

How to establish maintain and sustain true fellowship 

The motivating Power of belief 

How to set goals for your business 

Well if this site has been a blessing to you in any way please do not hesitate to email me, and also introduce it a friend. I will also appreciate any comment that will me serve you better.

I want to enjoy your life as relax to read the article below. As you read, reflect on the ideas expressed. Put every recommendation to practice and you will witness a dramatic transformation in your life.

Miss the Mess and Hit the Mark

Majority of people on earth who wants to live a better life find it very difficult to do so because they have been caught up in a web of their own making, and some times by the errors of others or by natural circumstances beyond their very control. Situations like this abound everywhere and in every society, culture and generation. However, one must stop to think properly so as to find solutions that will help to revolutionize his or her life. It is not an error for one to be in a mess; everyone, even the wise have some time in one point in their life been there. But it is a tragedy for anybody to remain in a mess.
Messy situations kill dreams, reduce personality, cripple self initiative and self esteem, and frustrate radiance and viability. It strips one of due respect and condition an individual to live in perpetual failure. Whenever life put you there, do not be content to remain there. Rise up, do something positive to remove your self and enjoy the freedom and fulfillment that outstanding achievement can bring.
What is a Mess? 
A mess is any situation that tends to make one live below expectation. It is a situation that incapacitates an individual and reduces him or her to a position where he becomes incapable of responding adequately to his responsibilities. Any situation that makes a man to live a shameful life is a mess. When a man who is suppose to be the bread winner of the house is placed in a situation where the wife becomes the bread winner, such a man is in a mess. When a graduate roams the street looking for a job, but finds none such a situation is a mess. When you are up to the age of marriage, and there is no suitable partner that seeks your hand in marriage, you are in a mess. When all you put your hand into produces nothing but confusion and frustration that also is a mess. When your spiritual life is in a shamble, and there is no one within reach to help you out, that is a mess. When your children are up to the age of going to school and there is not enough money to send them to a good school that also is a mess. When your parents are of age and you are no financial capable to adequately provide the help they need, that is a mess.  When you desire to live a good life but find yourself always doing the wrong thing that is a mess. Any situation that makes you unable to air your opinion in the midst of your peers or equals is a mess.
I can go on and on, but the list can not be exhausted. The interesting thing is that you can miss the mess. You can decide not to allow the mess to deprive you of the glorious prize that lies ahead of you. Whatever the mess is, put it behind you, press on and hold on till the end and you will be glad you did. Men may leave the log in their eyes to make a storm out of the speck in your eyes. They may use your predicament to mock and scorn you, but ignore them, make some changes to your attitude, re-organize your self and sail on to your destination. A glorious prize awaits you, and that you cannot afford to miss because of the persistent mockery of foolish men. That prize holds the key to your celebration… your happiness….your fulfillment!  When you give attention to your mockers they will give you direction, and when mockers give you direction you will inevitably remain in the valley of un-achievement for life. No matter how confused and disorganized your life is at the moment, if you decide to re-organize it, it will. No matter how your life has been characterized by a mess, no matter how messed up your life is, you can do something positive about it so that it produces the good things you so dearly desire. This is a responsibility which only you can assume for your self.
Never abandon your life in the hands of others to direct its course; if you do they will make it so miserable that you will hate your very existence. But when you direct the course of your life through the guidance from the throne room of infinite intelligence, you can make it produce good fruits that help you to enjoy a more fulfilled life.
Types of Mess 
There are different types of mess and each is peculiar in the way they exert their inhibiting influences upon humanity. But no matter their negative effect on the individual in particular and the society at large, we should ignore them or better still use them as stepping stones to greatness. The following are some of the types of mess that is inflicting humanity today:
·       Economic Mess
·       Biological Mess
·       Sociological Mess
·       Spiritual Mess
·       Marital Mess
·       Educational Mess
·       Psychological Mess
·       Political Mess
What is a Mark?
A mark is an expectation, a reward for effort, a destination, a pre destined glory or a high pinnacle of expected achievement. The journey from nothing to something is characterized by challenges, difficulties and temptation. The sole purpose of these is to frustrate us. It is to make us look back and forsake the glory that lies ahead of us, but if we put it in perspective and persist in purpose we shall surely arrive successfully at our destination, and the world will celebrate us and our Victory.
It is imperative for me to encourage you to be bold and courageous in the face of fierce opposition and challenges. Never give up; at the end you will become wiser and stronger through the greetings of the storms of life. If you want to succeed in life, you must endeavor to believe that you will one day plant your feet at the pinnacle of success, and be among those that will help chart the course of your society in the right direction, irrespective of your present predicament. Be armed with this resolve and let your resolution and the excitement that your success will bring be greater than the fear created by the obstacles in your life. You are a child of destiny and no circumstances can deny you of that right except you permit it. Stand tall even if all odd is against you. Say to yourself ‘I can make it’, and you will discover at the end you have made it.
Strategies for missing the mess
  • Discover the Mess
  • Dislike the Mess
  • Maximize the Mess
  • Discover Yourself
  • Recover Yourself
  • Maximize yourself
  • Visualize what you want
  • Believe you can achieve it
  • Apply your Potentials creatively and constructively
  • Believe you will Overcome
  • Persevere in Purpose
  • Seek Wise Counsel
  • Obey Instructions
  • Change your Attitude to align with where you are going to
  • Move with positive minded people
  • Be industrious
  • Seek Prophetic Intervention
  • Speak what you want into reality
  • Study the Bible to discover the truth that guarantees freedom
  • Give Sacrificially
  • Conference with Divinity

In whatever men exert their effort they succeed at. In the light of this, I believe that anyone can alter the course of his life by changing his attitude. Put your life in perspective, put on the right attitude and your life will experience the right altitude. You can miss the mess and hit the mark. No matter the state of your error, it expires the day you desire to permit it no more in your life. Replace all negative attitudes and limitation beliefs with positive and progressive beliefs and you will surely see positive and fulfilling changes in your life.
See you at the top!
If this article has been a blessing to your life, do not hesitate to write me with the email address below. I need to hear from you, your success is my commitment and delight.
See you at the top!

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