Monday, March 14, 2011

Book-Keeping facts for small business Beginners

Every small business beginners must keep abreast with some fundamental bookkeeping facts in order to maintain success in business. Business thrives on the wheel of information which only effective bookkeeping and records keeping can provide. One of the essentials of these records is the financial records. In this article I am going to build around the context of recording financial transactions.

1. Reasons for effective and efficient record keeping: The first bookkeeping fact for small business beginners is to understand the reasons for effective and efficient record keeping. All businesses need to keep records of their financial transactions for several practical reasons. These reasons include but not limited to:

· Knowing your financial situation: You need to know how well you are doing, whether you are making or losing money, what money you have in hand, and what money is owed to you and by you. If you endeavor to keep up-to-date records you will have a reasonable idea of your company’s financial health.

· Legal requirement: People keep record because the law requires them to do so. You are required by law to keep to all the documents - bills and receipts - which form the basis of information on your tax return for six years. This record includes petty cash records, bank counterfoils, and goods in and out records.

· Tax returns Matters: To be able to make adequate tax returns, people keep record. You need to show the taxman, bank manager and any investors how things stand within the company.

· Business turn over evaluation: It is important you know your turnover, precisely. For instance, in some countries if you turnover more than a certain amount in any twelve-month period, you are obliged by law to register for VAT purposes within 30 days of crossing this threshold. Failure to comply can result in heavy penalties. After registration, you need to keep accurate records for the VAT man.

· For witness Purposes: The life we are living in today is full surprises. People lie with impunity and make you suffer for what you know nothing about. But if you have records of that transaction, it will become an evidence to save from trouble.

There are several inexpensive book-keeping packages on the market that make book-keeping an easy experience. However, you can use a simple spreadsheet or literally keep records where you write down the money flowing in and out of your business under different headings. Record keeping is one thing, interpreting the figures is another and both are fundamental to the health of your business. This is where the services of an accountant become fundamental. However, you can save yourself a fortune in accountancy fees by keeping well organized records.

2. Audited accounts: Auditing your account is another bookkeeping fact you need to understand as a small business beginner. Do you need to get you accounts audited? Sole traders and partnerships do not have to get their accounts audited by a qualified accountant. But if your company is a limited company you do not need to have your accounts audited if your turnover is below a certain threshold, though you must still file your accounts at Companies House. As a small company, you can file a shortened balance sheet and special accountant's report if you choose.

3. Categorizing income and expenses: Make your business life simple. Get all the confusion out of your business. Give each sales invoice a unique reference number and file them in that order. Do the same for purchase invoices and receipts. Keep all this paper work in two sets of files, one for sales and one for purchases. That way you can track paperwork quickly in the face of a tax or VAT inspection.

· Money in: Create one section of your cashbook for all the money you have been paid. Start from the left of the page, assign columns for the date of the transaction, the amount received, the customer’s name and your own invoice reference number.

· Money out: Create another section in your cashbook for all the outgoings. Start from the left of the page, assign columns for the date of the transaction, your cheque number, the supplier or payee you have paid the money to, the amount you have paid, the reference number you put on the supplier’s invoice and finally, a column for petty cash (which you draw from the bank).

· You will also need to keep a note with details of each transaction: Divide expenses up into columns with headings such as: cost of sales, rent and rates, utilities, insurance, wages, telephone, stationery, travel, postage and so on. At the end of the tax year, you can add up the amounts under headings to get a breakdown of your expenses for the taxman.

4. Keep on top of cash flow: Try at least every month to do ‘bank reconciliation’. This involves taking the previous balance as shown in your bank statement, adding all payments in and subtracting those you have made. The new balance is your new bank balance. If it does not, either you or the bank has made an error.

To keep a more accurate measure of your financial health, keep a running total of your cash balance at the same time as you enter money in and out. You do not need any special knowledge or qualifications to keep the books of your own company. The only hard part is being disciplined about doing it regularly.

5. Petty cash: If you have a petty cash float; keep a sheet of paper petty in the cash box on which you note down every purchase. Always get a receipt for every item and staple them to the sheet of paper.

Whenever you put more money into petty cash, update the new balance onto a new record sheet and transfer the old sheet and its receipts to your folder of expenses receipts. You can keep a keep the float at a constant N5,000, either in cash, or cash plus receipts. When you need to top up the cash, only put in as much as you need to, to take it back to N5,000 mark again, and remove all the receipts to enter into your records properly.
If this article has made sense to you, kindly post your comment below to share your views with other visitors of this site. Your comment is highly appreciated.

Wishing you the best in business!

Setting up a Basic Small Business Bookkeeping System

Strategies for setting up a basic small business bookkeeping system are valuable information for all serious minded entrepreneurs. It prepares a formidable foundation for effective financial management. The first step in effective and efficient financial management is to set up your own basic bookkeeping system. How do you do that? You do that by choose a simple record-keeping system that is easy to understand. This record system should be simple to use, accurate, reliable, and consistent and condiment with all the features that will enable you to provide information on a timely basis. This will help you to see how well the business is progressing.

The most useful system for a small and start-up business is generally based on the principle of “one-write system” since it captures information at the time that individual transactions take place. It is an efficient method that enables to computerize information, it is compatible with electronic data processing, and has the capacity to eliminate the need to recopy data.

It is very fun using it, however, if you do not understand book keeping, it is advisable you employ a knowledgeable accountant to set up your books of records following the principles above.

Quicken and QuickBooks are two basic software systems that are inexpensive and user friendly. They allow business owners to quickly and accurately handle regular financial record-keeping tasks like a pro. If you want a dedicated bookkeeping system, you can visit a software manufacturing company to figure that out for you.

Well enough of the talk let us get down to business. In this article I am going to share with you five fundamental bookkeeping journals. They are as follows:

1. Sales journal: This is a bookkeeping journal that shows the business transaction, date, for whom it was performed, the amount of the invoice, and sales tax (if applicable.). It is sometimes subdivided to indicate labor and goods.

2. Voucher register: This is a record keeping register used to show record of bills, money owed, and the date of the bill, to whom it is owed, the amount, and the service provided.

3. Cash receipts: This is a record keeping journal that is used to show the amount of money received, from whom, and for what.

4. Check register: This is a journal of record keeping that shows each check disbursed, the date of disbursement, check number, payee, the amount of money disbursed, and for what purpose.

5. General journal: this is a record keeping journal that provides a means of adjusting entries in the other four journals.

6. Payroll records: This is a journal that shows the record of the amount paid to employees. It indicates bonuses, tax deduction, basic salary, overtime, etc. Together with above, you have all the information necessary to complete tax reports and returns as they come due. At the end of each annual accounting period, all the information for filing your tax returns will be at your fingertips. The figures from these journals are all you need to prepare your Financial Statements.

For you to set up a formidable bookkeeping system, these journals are fundamental requirement. It offers the privilege of upgrading to more advance levels. This system can later be converted to an accrual method of accounting by simply journalizing accounts receivable, payable, accruals, prepaid insurance, etc.

While setting up a small basic bookkeeping system, it is important to maintain two updated sets and keep one off the premises. Pay attention to above information and would have succeeded in having all the relevant information you need for setting up a basic small business bookkeeping system.
Wishing you a blissful business experience!


10 strategic ways to work through a business slowdown

How to work through a business slow down is fundamental knowledge for every serious minded business owner. You will lean ten strategic ways to work through a business slow down. When you are through reading this article you will be able to get your business up on its fit again and move in the direction of excellence. In running any kind of business, it is inevitable that sometimes business will slow down. There many reasons why this happens; an upcoming holiday, seasonal variations, or uncontrollable circumstances. As a small-business owner, you have a choice in terms of how you view the slowdown - it can either be a time of increased stress, frustration, worry - or you can view it as an opportunity to upgrade your business processes or improve the quality of your life. To wade through this moment of business slow down, you need to put everything in perspective and realize that your greatest opposition is your greatest opportunity for engaging the forces that brings out excellence.

I am committed in this article to introduce you to ten practical strategies for working through a business slow down. Take to heart all the instruction in this article; it will prove to be valuable in the time of need. Here are the ten strategic ways to work through a business slowdown:

1. Training and learning: Take your time to invest in additional training/learning program. The period of business slowdown is a great time to upgrade your knowledge and skills; you have the time and the incentive. Take classes, you are your skills, learn more about your industry, become even more valuable to your customers by adding new products or services based on your new knowledge.

2. Employ aggressive marketing: For your business to grow and make more money, you need to embrace aggressive marketing. Research and Statistics suggest that new businesses should spend about 40-60% of time in marketing and related activities. In the period of business slowdown, it is always a good time to create and launch another marketing initiative. It is important to continue to promote your business creatively and cost-effectively. There can be no better way to spend a slow period than in taking actions to attract new business and also taking action that will keep worry or stress from overwhelming you. This will lead us to the third point worry free living.

3. Embrace worry free living: Worrying over the slow pace of your business will never make it improve. In fact you can worry for one hundred years and see no meaningful result than killing your self and ruining your business. In the time of business slow down, count your blessings and be grateful to God. Relax your mind and listen to divine instruction and you will receive rare insight that will make you a winner in the end. Take satisfaction in your accomplishment and feel good about your business. Use this time to catch up on some sleep, read a few good books, in short, take some time off for rest and relaxation. Sometimes, time away can help spark creative ideas or profitable insights.

4. Get ahead: Tough time stops the mediocre, but inspires those who are determined to succeed. Use slow time to get ahead on weekly or monthly projects. Look ahead to future months and see if there are any steps you can take, today, that would position you more solidly in the future. This can help you feel more in control as the pace picks up again.

5. Network/socialize: Too many business men do not take time to connect with others. So in time of businesses slow down they have no body share their experience with. This is an error of the greatest magnitude that needs immediate correction. Use this period of business slow down to get out and meet more people to talk about what you offer, learn what they need, help them connect with appropriate resources. Take this time to increase your contact base and to attend meetings or events you might not usually have time for. An added bonus to this tip is that you might perceive new trends in your industry and also valuable information that can help to guide your business in the path of profitability.

6. Establish and Build quality relationship: Use this time to add a little extra to the "bank account" of your important relationships. Spend more time with your spouse, significant other, child, or friends. Put some extra kindnesses into your close relationships and you will have more to withdraw at the time of need.

7. Follow up with old/existing customers: Use the time of business slow down to follow up with old and existing customers. Learn the skills needed to have and keep quality and loyal customers. Most small businesses focus more on getting new customers rather than retaining old ones. A business slow down is a great time to get back in touch with your customer base to find out what needs they have, to remind them of your service, or to offer them special discounts for reactivating their accounts. It is always easier to sell to someone who has bought from you before than to someone who has not done business with you in the past. Therefore, make the extra effort to stay in touch.

8. Offer free samples or giveaways: Use the business slow down time to offer free samples, hold contests, or offer giveaways to bring new energy and potential customers to your door. Use this time do things that will your business to attract new prospects.

9. Engage effective Planning: Those who fail to plan have inevitably plan to fail. Take time to review your progress so far, checking it against your goals, and making any necessary adjustments. Use this period of business slow down to plan for how you will tackle new projects, or expand your business or offerings.

10. Upgrade equipment and processes: Too many business owners do not know the wisdom in upgrading their equipment and processes. During a business "slow down", it is a great time to find easier, more efficient, and better ways of running your business. Upgrading your equipment will enable you to serve customers more effectively. Decide to automate parts of your sales process, or invest in additional training for your staff. Use this time to make sure you are in compliance with all the relevant state laws, or to paint your office space.

Business downtime is present a major challenge for business owners, but instead of complaining and worrying, putting it in perspective will help you to make the most out of it. Instead of breaking down you will break through because you view it as learning and an upgrading time. While occasional business slowdowns might be inevitable, these strategies discussed above will ensure that you are making the best use of the downtime; allowing you to attract and keep your ideal customers and making you and your business much better positioned to maximize your market.

If this article made sense to you, feel free to share your comment with other visitors to this site. Your comment will go a long way to make this site more interactive and impacting.

Wishing you the best in your business!


10 Effective ways to reduce your business costs

How to reduce your business cost is a formidable technique for business growth, expansion and profitability. In this article I am going to show you ten effective ways to reduce your business cost and make your business more profitable.

1. Networking: Networking your business with other businesses is a formidable way of reducing your business cost. You could trade leads or mailing lists. This will cut down on your marketing and advertising costs. You may also try bartering goods and services with them.

2. Bartering: Bartering is an effective way of reducing your business cost because it actually does not exchange money for money, but good for goods, ideas for ideas and services for services. If you have a business you should be bartering goods and services with other businesses. You should try to trade for something before you buy it. Barter deals usually require little or no money.

3. Wholesale/Bulk: Do you want to reduce your business cost? Then stop buying things in singles. It cost more to buy in singles than to buy in bulk. Successful business buys in bulk. You will save more money buying your business supplies in bulk quantities. You could get a membership at a wholesale warehouse or buy them through a mail order wholesaler. This does not mean you should over stock your store with goods you will not be able to sell quickly. But it means buy the supplies you are always running out of and that are in high demand.

4. Borrowing/Renting: Borrowing and renting is most effective in reducing business cost if you only need what you are borrowing or renting for a short period of time. Most business owners increase their business cost by purchasing business equipment they only needed for a small period of time. After that time, the equipment becomes a liability because it no longer has use. Buy only the equipment or machines that long term use, but hire or borrow the ones with a short term use.

5. Online/Offline Auctions: Most times you can find lower prices on business supplies and equipment at online and offline auctions. Before you go and pay retail for these items try bidding on them first.

6. Free Stuff: You should try visiting the thousands of freebie sites on the internet before buying your business supplies. Some of the information you need for growing your business are available free online. The internet is full of quality free information to help you make more money. Why try to pay heavily for what somebody has offered to all free of charge in the internet? Take advantage of internet freebees to reduce your business cost. What ever you need to grow your business, if you search carefully enough you will find it. All you need is to type in the appropriate keywords and you will see a lot of options, and moving through those options you will find the ones that address your need. You can find free software, graphics, backgrounds, online business services etc.

7. Planning: He that fails to plan, has already succeeded in planning to fail. Make a list of business supplies or equipment you will need in the future. Keep an eye out for stores that have big sales. Purchase the supplies when they go on sale before you need them. Some times they may even offer this supplies and machines for auction. Buy it and sell it when the demand is high.

8. Negotiate well: Effective negotiation is a key factor in the pursuit of reducing business cost. You should always try to negotiate a lower price for any business equipment or supplies. It does not hurt to do it. It does not mean you are poor; you are only looking for ways to reduce your business cost and maximize your profit. Trying to impress the other fellow that you are a Mr. Rich Guy will position him in a vantage position to exploit you and make more profit from you.

9. Used Stuff: All your business equipment and supplies do not need to be new. You can reduce your business cost buy buying used ones. For instance the money you will use to buy one Banded computer system can buy you about four high quality fairly used computer. You can find used items at yard and garage sales, used stores, used stuff for sale message boards and newsgroups, etc.

10. Search: Always engage your ideas and energy in searching for new suppliers for your business supplies and equipment. Look for suppliers with lower prices and better quality. Do not just be satisfied with a few, look for many and compare their prices and quality of products and services.

Friend to make profit in business you must be able to learn how to reduce business cost. If your business is always buying supplies and equipment at a high price, your production price will be high and this will prevent you from offering your product and services at a more affordable price. Following the above mentioned suggestions, you will be able to reduce your business cost and make more money in your business.

If this article has made sense, please kindly post a comment below. You can also post it to your friends and blog about it.
See you at the top!

Bookkeeping Mistakes Made by Small Businesses

Gravest bookkeeping mistakes made by small businesses is a must read for every serious success minded entrepreneur. These are mistakes that are silently killing their efforts in business. From research and observation, I have discovered that both a one man business and the one employing 100 employees need bookkeeping for maximizing their business endeavors. Though, bookkeeping is not typically among the most prestigious jobs around, it is the heart of the success of any successful business organization. However, it is sad to note that most of these businesses make serious bookkeeping mistakes that are sapping of huge fortune unknowingly to them.

In my resolve to always bring to you quality information that will enable you to make the most of your business endeavors, I am going to share with you ten gravest common mistakes made by small businesses. I want you to take a good look at them and avoid them like a plaque. They are as follows:

1. Lack of communication: Most businesses always make the mistake of paying someone a bonus and not reporting it or buying supplies and not providing the bookkeeper with the information or receipts. With time this lack of information will begin to tell on the success of the business. Lack of information brings great frustration to business documentation. You may have well experienced book keepers, but if they are not are not filled in and kept up to date on all financial transactions, they will not be able to produce effective and efficient bookkeeping.

2. Doing it yourself:  Trying to do everything by your self is detrimental to the success of your business. It is very funny to note that no matter how much they hate it, many small business owners insist upon handling the books themselves. Some of them take it to the extreme by hiring a competent book keeper, but never allow them to handle the bookkeeping task of their business. Friend never make such mistake, it will cost much. Employ a competent bookkeeper and allow them the freedom to handle all your record keeping for you. This will be extremely beneficial in that they have the skills to do the job quickly and efficiently and will provide a second pair of eyes to find errors and make suggestions where appropriate. Use that spare time they have relieved you to concentrate on other relevant areas of your business where you lack capable hands.

3. Improper classification of employees: Most business owners engage in the stupid act of the proliferation of independent contractors, consultants, and freelancers in such a way that make it difficult to determine who is on staff list and who is not. These inevitably lead to misfiling when it comes to filing taxes since there are different rules and regulations for employees and non-employees. If your business must succeed you have to get rid of all these confusion. Get your business properly organized so that your bookkeepers can carry out effective and efficient bookkeeping exercise in your business organization.

4. Wrong categorization or over categorization. Wrong categorization is a fundamental gravest mistakes made by small businesses. Everything just lumps up together in a bundle of big confusion. No order, no pattern and no standard. There are fairly standard categories for expenses. Most cases, expenses are entered into the wrong categories or too many categories are created which in turn creates a lot of confusion for the bookkeeper. Wherever, there is no organization, confusion breeds and failure becomes inevitable. To avoid this mess, use general bookkeeping guidelines for standard categorization and create as few new categories as possible. When you try to follow simple accepted accounting principles, you will be able to avoid this confusion and position your business in the path of success.

5. Lack of Backup. Much vital information has been lost because business owners did not see the wisdom in having a separate back up of that information. It is important to realize that we are in the 21st century, and as such we are no longer in the age of paper work. Everything in record keeping is done electronically. The paperless office does not exist in the real world, where audits do still exist. A paper trail, documentation or verification in the form of backup documents should be available, especially if all files are on the computer system, which could be prone to technical problems. Where you do not make duplicate copy available in a form of back up stored separately from your computer hard disk, you will stand the chance of losing your files should your computer experience a technical fault that affects its hard disk drive. Therefore, you can get a back in a flash drive, or better still buy an external hard drive to store all relevant records of your business.

6. Not keeping records of receipts of small amount: Many business owners do not keep records of less than $75 because they feel it will not be required by the IRS. That is a grave mistake killing your business subtlely, and that is why you are not noticing its effect. If you do not stop it now, it will frustrate your business by creating a problem that will cost you more in the future. This information is needed to provide backup documentation for the many deductions you may claim. It is very simple to have a folder for such receipts; they will definitely prove valuable at tax time.

7. Ignoring the tracking of reimbursable expenses: Most times small business owners often pay for expenses out of their pocket or with their own personal credit card. When they do this they often make the mistake of failing to track these expenses. They then fail to submit the expenses to the company for reimbursement. Since this was not submitted to the company for reimbursement, this expense does not go into the company record as expenses. This affects the company because at the time of records evaluation, it will not be available to aid decision making. As little as this error it makes the company come to wrong conclusion in terms of financial evaluation.

8. Inability to reconcile the books of records with the bank statement each month: One of the fundamental aspects of bookkeeping is reconciling the books of records and bank statements every month. As important as this exercise, there many business owners who do not see the need to do it. Those who dare to do it, fail to do it properly. To solve this problem try to hire a good and experienced bookkeeper.

9. Ignoring the deduction of sales tax: A common mistake in retail businesses is failure to deduct the sales tax from the total sales. This gives a false impression of a higher total sales amount and does not lower the amount of taxes due. This is a grave mistake you need to guide agaist.

10. Petty cash nonchalance: Many businesses and offices are nonchalant about using the petty cash fund without keeping accurate records. To avoid the damaging effect of this attitude, a system should be set up whereby a set amount of money is in petty cash and each time money is taken out for any purpose, a petty cash slip is filled out. When the fund is exhausted, the slips will total the original amount and a check can be written to cash to set up the full amount again

Friend, I hope you have learned much from the above gravest bookkeeping mistakes made by small businesses. No matter how we try to justify wrong actions, it will never prove to be true. It is the refusal of men to stop attending the school of foolishness that makes them graduate with a degree in misfortune. Do your best to avoid these bookkeeping mistakes and your business will experience tremendous beneficial changes.

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See you at the top.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Good business records are a fundamental task for the effective organization of any business enterprise for intelligent business decision making. However, most business owners do not see the need to for updated record keeping in their business. They argue that they do not see the need for record keeping since it does not directly contribute to the success of their business. What an error! Those who have such argument always make reference to some successful business they know that does not keep up to date records but yet they are successful because they have a good product and an aggressive marketing team to convert every prospective customer into a buying and paying loyal customer.

If you are reasoning along this line you are half correct, but there is one thing I want you to know. The fact that those businesses are making good sales does not mean they are doing everything right. It does not also mean that their lack of good records will not plaque them in the future. A time will come when they will need information to evaluate their business and make intelligent management decision, then they will realize the importance of keeping good records. As a serious business man who does not appreciate the handicap occasioned by lack of adequate information, it is very wise to ensure you take seriously record keeping.

Do not be like most business owners who view bookkeeping as an exercise that they go through for the reason of tax return. Such mental attitude can course you a fortune. Therefore, to help you come up with the right mental attitude in regards to good record keeping, I am resolve in this article to help you understand the importance of good record keeping. When you are done reading this article, you will take more seriously good record keeping in your business organization. If you need more help in knowing how to design a good record system see my article titled “element of effective book keeping system” Good records keeping enable you:

· To be able to know if you are making or losing money in general and on specific jobs or product sales.

· To be able to price your product accurately. Good record keeping will prevent you from selling your products cheap. A lot of business are making a lot of sales but they are not making profit because they do not keep records to enable them evaluate their business in terms of sales and expenses.

· To know your cash flow both short and long term.

· To be able to work effectively and efficiently with bankers.

· To enable you make the tax agencies know how you are doing in business.

Let us at this moment examine each of the points highlighted above in a more detailed manner. You will come to realize that any business owner who does not take good record keeping seriously is really creating damage to himself, his business, and ultimately positioning both at a disadvantage position for productivity, impact, and exploit. Let get going! 
  • Knowledge of profit and loss: It is very important for any business owner to know if his business is making or losing money. But how can he know? Can he just wake up one morning and make his business provide profit and loss information from nowhere? Of course not! That is my point! Well, even after you price your product, you have to know how your pricing compares with reality. If you are making some bad decisions with your pricing, and you wait until end of the year to find whether you have lost or made money, it may be too late to do anything about it.

Running a business profitably is not playing the game of childishness; it is tough. It can take a long time for some of your decisions to prove right or wrong, even with good record keeping let alone if you have none. Therefore, give your self a break, get your records organized and at least be paying attention to it on a daily and monthly basis so that you can see what is happening in time and effect the required changes. “A stitch in time saves nine”

  • Effective and efficient product pricing: Product pricing is the first single most important thing you have to do in business. You have to charge more than it costs you to produce your products hence you will be trading at loss. To be able to price your product effectively and efficiently, you will need records that that inform you of the number of employee in your business, the amount of loan you are paying back to your lenders, your workers compensation bills, your electricity bills, your rent, product liability insurance, local council bills, advertising, etc.

There is a long list you are likely forgetting, or if not forgetting, mark downing beyond reality. If you do not have these records how can you price your product accurately and position your business for success? Pricing your products and or services without taking into consideration what it will cost you to produce and deliver those services and or products to your targeted market is a major step in the path of business failure.

Do not see this task organizing a good business records as a task you are in capable of doing. If you are determined to succeed in business you will definitely embrace it for with it you can get competitive advantage over your competitors. Nearly anyone can figure out the direct costs of their product or service - a good set of books will tell you just what ought to go into that equation for overhead, and that is the difference between profit and loss.

However, it important to note here that the need to take into consideration the cost your competitors are charging for offering same services and products should be taken into consideration. If your price is too high for the same services and products, you have given your market enough reason to make you fail. And also, try to add a touch of creativity that surpasses what your competitors are offering your market. You must give your market a reason to choose you over your competitors; you must make your self indispensable to your market.

  • Knowledge of Cash Flow: Good business record keeping enables you to understand and manage cash flow. While trying to write this article, I came across valuable information about the mistakes of Paula and Shawn who never understood cash flow and as a result suffer greatly for this ignorance. I want you read it and learn from their mistakes. They did not know what cash flow was until it was almost too late.

They had an incredible summer starting their contracting business. There was always money in the bank, due to customer deposits which seemingly never ended. When fall came, however, business began to slow down and Paula and Shawn took a look, in a sort of vague, starry-eyed way, at "the books."They congratulated themselves on having beaten the odds of making a business very profitable in its first year. A week later, they revised the profit estimate down to account for a loan payment they had forgotten was still due. A month later, they had to revise it down again when the quarterly payroll taxes came due that included a contribution to worker's compensation. Then there was the $2,500 check Paula had added to the checkbook by mistake, because she hit the wrong button on the calculator. Shortly after they were on their knees at the local bank, pleading for a loan to rush them over the winter, promising they could pay it back in three months. They went through hell trying to pay off the loan, but thank God they were able to pay back. One of the most important things you will learn from keeping good records is how to understand and manage Cash Flow.

  • Working effectively and efficiently with Bankers: You may not have thought it a wise motive to work with a banker since you started your small business. In fact you may be one of those who never want the bank to handle your money. Yes! You may also be among those who say they will never borrow money from the bank for their business. Yes! You are not the only one in these schools of thoughts. Paula and Shawn discussed above did not see the need to collaborate with a banker until they ran out of cash. They were very fortunate to find a banker who agreed to work with them, and help them learn about business while they were growing their business.

Good record keeping will enable you to get your numbers well organized before you ever approach a banker if you must stand a chance for financing. Organize your numbers on a cash flow spreadsheet before you approach a bank to ask for a business financing. If you are already working with a bank, make sure you do your best to impress them with good numbers. Give them good and accurate numbers.

For more information on getting the financing you need, click here or see my article on ‘Loan approval thought process’. With good record keeping you will see problems coming before they happen and talk to your banker about them in advance, and you will have a better chance of getting and keeping that person on your side.

Do your best to build quality relationship with your baker. It has tremendous advantage. Do not think that your relationship with your banker is adversarial by definition. It is not! Make the relationship one of teamwork and understanding. To look at your banker as an adversary from whom you should hide bad information is a huge mistake. I know most bakers do not want to be of help to those businesses that are struggling or that are just coming up. However, there are more of good bankers who are there to help you succeed in your business if they find you serious and sincere. Find a banker you can talk to and work with, and keep him/her posted, good or bad. Develop those relationships, and they will stick by you as long as they can. Looking for a bank that will help you to succeed in business? You will meet your best friend choosing Eagle Flight Micro finance Bank Ltd as your most trust worthy and dependable banker.

  • Accurate tax returns: Good record keeping will help you to make accurate tax returns. Use the information contained in the record books you have prepared for your decision making. If your books are done and you know before the end of the year what taxes you have to pay, chances are you can save yourself money by paying ahead, or by buying tools that you know you will need. Many business owners lacking this information make a big mistake by over stocking with goods that are not required for immediate consumption. By doing this they tie up money they could have used to pay their tax returns. Though your tax accountant can help you do whatever planning you need to do in this regard, he cannot do that in the absence of good record.

The importance of good records cannot be over emphasized. If you must position your business for success, you must keep good records. Good record keeping enable you to know if you are making or losing money in general and on specific jobs or product sales. It also enables you to price your product accurately. It enables you to know your cash flow both short and long term. Record keeping enables you to work effectively and efficiently with your bankers. And finally it enables you to make adequate tax returns and make the tax agencies know how you are doing in business. These are benefits of good record keeping I am confident any serious minded business man or office holder cannot afford to ignore.
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Wishing the best in business!

Monday, March 7, 2011


The essential components of bookkeeping system are compulsory for every small business owner who desire to keep proper records. Bookkeeping systems are the backbone of every small business. Without the proper implementation of a good bookkeeping system, the organization will lack the adequate information needed to make quality financial decision. An effective accounting system is a fundamental tool in the hand of every serious minded business owner or entrepreneur. Those who neglect it suffer, and those who embrace it have a story of success to tell.

Though some business owners do not see the need to keep abreast with facts of establishing effective book keeping system within their organization, the truth remains that it is an integral and important key in running a successful business whether small or big. It is my intention in this article to give you a proper foundation in designing a formidable accounting system. This can be used for both your offline and online business. They form the foundation upon which you will receive empowerment for the making of intelligent business decisions. They are as follows:

    1. Processes System: Process system is a component of bookkeeping System that enables the business owner to know is responsible for a specific task (Who does what) and the procedures for effective and efficient execution of task (How they do the job).

    2. Filing System: This is a component of bookkeeping that enable you to organize your files so that you can lay your hands on anyone needed at the appropriate time. Being able to lay your hands on your files or document when you need them makes your work faster.

    3. Chart of account: This is a component that shows what the numbers do.

    4. Reporting package: This is a component of bookkeeping system that enables a business owner to easy access to structural information that enables him or her to run his or her business successfully.

    5. Transactional Record System: This is a soft ware use to record financial transactions. A good example is Simple Accounting, QuickBooks and Excel.
For the purpose of the size, your business structure, your industry, your internal control requirements, your system needs to be efficient and effective. You need to design it in such a way that it becomes easy to understand and use. Following the above components will enable you to design and or choose accounting systems that will effectively and efficiently serve you and your bookkeeper.
The above five components of bookkeeping will help you in great deal organize a high impact financial tracking and accounting. Though your needs will increase as your business grows, this foundation will give you the required information to make well informed decision when the need arises for you to update your accounting systems.

Wishing you the best in your business!