Tuesday, October 26, 2010


When you open up to instruction, it generates knowledge that enlightens your life, and enlightenment produces revelation that enthrones wisdom, and when your life is guarded by wisdom your stardom becomes inevitable.

I bequeath to my great nation Nigeria, to all the success minded individuals who have stayed too long in the common place of un-achievement, to the global community of great thinkers, psychologist, theologians, counselors and motivational leaders who are in the high pinnacle of influence and affluence, a portion of the treasure of the good and desirable in me.

Life is sweet, but ignorance has made it a bitter experience for majority. Studying people, events, traditions, times and God’s divine word, I have come to the conclusion that God created everything good, but man in quest for knowledge outside God have created a maze of confusion that has produced a world of pain and misery. In the forefront of this pain are the memories of things we did which we should not have done and the things we should have done which we did not do. We respond to life based on our circumstances instead of using what lies within us.

When we respond to life with the full potential inherent in our true selves rather than from our environmentally conditioned selves, we shall be more capable to bring into reality what we are created to produce, and the world will be a better place for us and for everyone.

Please, do not ignore the words of wisdom in this article, when you come across a potential statement you did not understand, instead of discarding it, turn to your inner self and ask your creator for illumination, and his council will lead you on the right part.

Every occurrence in a man’s life is a function of what he knows, the understanding he derives from what he knows, what he experience, how he interact with his consciousness, and how he effectively utilizes all of these to make a new environment of possibility for him. These are the elements that forms the foundation of the ultimate source from which every other thing evolves.

Therefore, to move from the common place of un-achievement to the pinnacle of significance, the place of wisdom is imperative. This site will introduce you to the training of wisdom so that you can be properly initiated into the divine and miraculous world where successful living becomes a daily reality. Success is an application of a combination of success oriented mentality and principles. In the same vein failure is the combination of the application of inhibiting mentality.

 It is an irresponsibility to resign one’s life to fate, only watching others celebrate and being celebrated. It is an error to merely exist and die without fulfilling the purpose why he was created, and located on planet earth.

Whenever we take responsibility for our lives we shall inevitably experience the power that is required to put us on top of the world to enjoy the type of life we would like to enjoy. But playing the blame game makes life difficult, and one can live all the days of his or her life blaming others for his predicament until all his or her  life ends in the prison of un-accomplishment. But taking responsibility makes your mind to reason and function properly to bring result to your life. Your significance is sure when your life makes meaningful contribution to the lives of others.

It is erroneous to plan to run to heaven when God actually created you to live here on earth. God did not create anyone to live in heaven. Heaven was created to be the abode of God himself and his angels, but the earth he has created to accommodate man. He gave him the sole responsibility of taking care of it. I wonder where those who believe they will one day run to heaven got their believes from. Why are we running away from our core responsibility of occupying till he comes? Instead of occupying, we are planning of running away. This is an act of irresponsibility of the highest order.

Man has no duty to perform in heaven, and God is not interested in having a bundle of idle men roaming the streets of heaven, while they are suppose to be useful on earth where the created them to effectively represent him.

More so, at the end of age, God will not take man to heaven. He will re-instate man in his original location -earth. So that at the end God will reign supreme over man and all his affairs. Instead of being irresponsible, let us use what God has deposited in us to make our lives beautiful, graceful and meaningful. Place a demand on your potential and it shall amaze you what you can achieve.

We can achieve success if we can dare to do beyond what we think we are capable of doing. 

Conclusively, I want to admonish that you take a pragmatic tour around this site and your life will forever shine with extraordinary power. Do not live as if God did not create you with the potentials to succeed. God loves you so much that he could not be so wicked to create you  to be a disadvantage all the days of  your life. But until you step out to make your life meaningful, you will never experience the best of God in your life. Wait a minute, for how long shall you be contented to live below your best? Dare to be your best. Refuse to remain a victim of circumstance. Create your own fortune, create your own economy and divine force shall aid your speed in grand style. Wisdom is beneficial to direct your life in the path of outstanding achievement and satisfactory fulfillment in all aspect of your life. Never be contented to live a good life when you can actually live a best life!

Whatever you are today is not your best, for you can be better than that. Brake from limitation. Break from comfort zones that is blindfolding your eyes and depriving you of a better and grandeur's life. 

If this article has been of great benefit to you please, kindly pass it on. Share it with others in your sphere of influence. Take your time to explore other resourceful articles that this site offers. Your success is my greatest commitment! 

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This is an Extract from my book: OCEAN OF WISDOM. To palace an order for this book, call +234-8069506925.

 See you at the top. You are the next in line for excellence.!

The futility of Foolishness

What we are and where we are today is a function of what we did and the decision we made yesterday. In the same vein, what we will become tomorrow is dependent on the decision we make today.

Majority of folks who live on earth today just exist in a perpetual condition of prolonged despicable situation. In the forefront of their pains they remember how they lived their lives in the past; laboring for the betterment of others, while forgetting to invest in themselves. Today, those whom they labored tirelessly to make successful are banqueting in happiness, without lifting a stone to give a helping hand to them. Even when they beckon on their happy friend, they do not lend listening ears. What a tragedy!

This is a common occurrence, in fact, most of us have experienced it, even the wise have sometime in their life experience it. However, while some learn their lessons in time, others continue to enjoy the pains of limitation. 

There is no gain in foolishness, all the labor invested in the practice of foolishness in the name of humility, amounts to nothing but pain and frustration. No matter the promise made to you by Mr. Foolishness, never give in to its enticing words or you will languish in perpetual frustration to prove the falsity and futility of your foolishness. Understanding the futility of foolishness is a major step in position your life to benefit from the wisdom of common sense. Never be willing to tolerate what will rob you of your personal dignity and sense of self worth. Those who allow their undulating love for investing in others to the detriment of their well being always suffer at the end when their relevance is required.

Whatever a man is willing to tolerate he cannot stop, and that becomes his master in some way. 

This is an error that needs immediate correction if one must realize or fulfill purpose. It is treading in the path of foolishness. Though, some people call it simplicity and humility. But any effort or attitude that make you less than what you are suppose to be is foolishness that needs to stop if you truly desire to be significant in life. 

Any spirit of humility that forces you to labor to enrich others to the detriment of your purpose is not a true humility but camouflage for deprivation, limitation and bondage.

This chapter is loaded with wise quotations that are tailored to assist any success minded individual to align his or herself with the force of change. Ponder carefully on it, and your life will never remain the same.

Now get ready, as we begin a journey of great discovery and recovery!

For more information on this article, place an order for my book, 'Ocean of Wisdom'. To place an order call: +234-8069506925.

Stop the mess and hit the mark!
If this article has been a blessing to you feel free to post a comment. Your success is my commitment!

To your success!

Monday, October 18, 2010



You cannot build a profitable and successful business empire without the right employees.

Hiring the right people for business is a fundamental for growing successful business. Every serious entrepreneur must as a matter of fact know how to hire the right people for business. Though the hiring process may seem tedious, but it is worth the effort. In my series ‘Reasons why business fail’ I did say that employees can make or mar the potential of any business enterprise. The wrong employee will bring the downfall of your business, and on the other hand if you employee the right employee, your business will profit exceedingly because of the unique clouds of quality expertise brought to play at the workplace.

Many organizations, in their effort of picking and hiring the right people for their business, make the common mistake of concentrating on a set of fixed skills and working experience. The truth is that skills and experience though essential are not the core ingredients in hiring the right people for your small business. There is something that transcends skills and experience, and that is what distinguishes the employee that ruins a business from the one that builds it. That quality is “attitude”.

If you truly desire to build a great business you must not follow the conventional way of employee recruitment. You must employ some creativity and intelligence.  Look for and hire people with the perfect blend of energy, skills, humor, team spirit, intelligence, self confidence, passion and customer obsessed culture to match the kind of quality result you want to produce. You must hire people who have bigger minds and an inherent ability for innovation and creativity. People who have the innate ability for going the extra mile; people who can help you create an outstanding business image. People that have the inner tenacity to drive your business until your competitors are left behind in frustration because they cannot copy you.. You must hire people whose commitment and devotion to customer and your company amount to a sense of purpose, a sense of mission, a sense that places the cause before their personal interest.

You cannot build a great business without great people. But how do you pick these great treasures in the midst of the multitudes. Well that is a great task, but not one that cannot be undertaken successfully. Look out for people who have the aforementioned characteristics. Hiring is not all about finding people with the right experience for your business, but it is all about finding people with the right mind set for successful business. These are people with a combination of success oriented attitude. It is more profitable to hire for attitude and train for aptitude than hire for skill and train for attitude. Skills are easily acquired but attitude takes a long time to build. It takes a great deal of time to build the right mindset for profitable business. How long can you wait for an employee to develop the right kind of attitude that will bring the success you desire? That is my point!

It is imperative to ask yourself some empirical questions, and endeavor to find genuine answers to them. Can your business make headway with an anti success team in the contemporary society? We are in a dynamic society, how far can you go with a team of disgruntled and disunited fellows? How well can your business compete in the midst of fierce competition if all you have is a diversified combination of low self esteem team? 

No business can survive and assume relevance if the people that drive its products are driven with a failure mentality. It takes people with a supper success mentality to deliver outstanding results. It takes staffs with a high self esteem to deliver uncommon results. Go for such men and women, and when you find them make sure you pay the price to hire and retain them. If all you need in your business is outstanding result then get ready to hire and retain those with right combination of success mentality, and your success will be unequaled.

Technical virtuosity seldom determines who makes the grade. It is the right mental attitude that makes the employee to produce exceptional results. Employ your mind and your might to practice what I have shared with you today and your business will soar gracefully in the pastures of influence and profitable affluence. The success of your business largely depends on your ability to know how to hire the right people for your business. Hiring the right people for your business is not an option but a basic necessity for the success of your business.

Too many business owner look at their competitors and wonder they are so successful. They try to copy them, but meet with frustration each time they try. Well the truth of the matter is that you need to hire the kind of people that drives their business. You also need to look at their systems and marketing strategies. These are the things that gives them competitive advantage over you. If you can put in all your effort to hire the right people, establish an effective system, motivate your team, give them a clear vision of where your company leads, engage the force of leverage, and support your business with a high impact marketing team, you will inevitably make your business profitable by making it indispensable and reputable.

If this article has been of great help to you do not hesitate to pass it on to a friend and also to post a comment to share your own opinion about this topic. I will also appreciate useful suggestions on how to make this site more interesting and educating.

More resource on Hiring. It will help managers and CEO's make the most of their interviews and recruit only the best. When you recruit failures your business automatically fails. For great success in business is a function of great team with a marketable products or services. Do you have a business or you are intending to start one?  Do not forget that great results are only produced by great team.

Related Articles
  1. principles-of-extra-ordinary-achievers.
  2. personnel-intelligence. 
  3. reasons-why-business-fails. 
  4. principles-of-extra-ordinary-achievers


Developing improved conceptual models of behavior, processes, growth cycles, change and barriers to the progress develops the potential of individuals and organization to make a difference and carry through fundamental ideas to logical conclusion.

Definition of productivity


Productivity has been generally defined as a ratio of a measure of output to a measure of some or all of the resources used to produce this output. In the light of this definition, one or a number of input measures can be taken and compared with one or a number of output measures to ascertain the rate and value of improved productivity.

When attempts are made to include all inputs and all outputs in a system the measure is called a total productivity measure (TPM). Palik (1979) explains in his definition that the inputs used in a process can be hours of labor, units of capital, and quantities of raw materials compared with the consequent output.

However, to improve organizational and personal productivity, a number of pragmatic steps have to be employed. It is my aim in this article to lead you along that part, so that at the end you will be able to adequately analyze your input and output in the view of making some adjustment to foster more results. 

One of the greatest reasons why the lives and businesses of many folks are failing today is because they fail to change their mindset. To improve productivity we must continually work on our mindset. The way we do things must commensurate with result we hope to achieve. There is no way we can be better if we persistently continue to do things in a way that is inconsistent with the result we desire to see. Well, you may want to argue that there is no need for a change because the result you are getting now seem enough for the moment. But I want you to realize that no matter how good you think you are presently, a little improvement is still needed for relevant productivity. Your life and organization must produce highly distinguishable improvement if you must be relevant. 

There is no relevance in producing the same result over and over again, but on the contrary, your life and organization becomes relevant if your result is improved even if it is only one step forward. There is value in diversity and improvement. 

If we must imbibe the principles of how to improve organizational and personal productivity, we must follow strictly the lessons of the combination of sense, simplicity and relevance to produce outstanding results.

Sense + Simplicity + Relevance = Results

The more complete and accurate the conceptual models we hold, the better our opportunity of success in bringing about fundamental meaningful change in our lives, society, families, workplace and the nation as a whole. If you need change in your business, you must improve your productivity.

When your productivity is improved, your relevance increases, and this inevitably brings within easy reach exceptional results.  

Too many business organizations remain in stagnant position because they refuse to improve their productivity. No matter the good quality of productivity you enjoy at the moment, you can still experience and enjoy the best, and also become the best of bests by going the extra mile to add little improvement to your overall productivity.

To improve productivity you have to carefully consider both the internal and external dynamics before making changes. You have to ensure that you review these dynamics both during the change processes, and then evaluate them again when the changes have been accepted as a standard practice. Why do you need to do that? This review and evaluation is important to enable you ascertain how you are progressing, the major changes that are making your life or organization more results oriented and also the practices that are producing the weakness that are holding you and your company backward.

Initiating the Improvement Process

The journey from your present outcome to your desired outcome requires some basic and pragmatic steps. These are steps which must be followed with absolute integrity and tenacity if you must transit from obscurity to relevance. These steps are as follows: 

Knowledge of present Performance: Knowing your present performance is fundamental in the pursuit of improving productivity. If you do not know where you are in journey of transformation, you may not really know what to aim for. Your present situation may be wholly or partially satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Whatever the state of your present performance, the key to success know where you are and the ability to understand the components of your present feat.

    Components of Presents Performance

    Components of present performance in organizational or personal levels include the following:
    • Your Product(s)
    • Your Service(s)
    • Your Process(s)
    • Your System 
    • Your Personnel(s)
    • Your Strategies 

    Problem Identification:  Every individual and organization has specific and peculiar problems. These are challenges which they must confront and conquer in order to win in the game of relevance and productivity improvement. Problems properly identified and intelligently defined is problems half solved.

      Follow the following tips in identifying Problems:

      Observation: Observe you situations, events, competitions, systems, personnel, customers, stakeholders, and settings. When observing it is important to take everything to the minutest detail.  

      Definition: Define your problems by clarifying what you have observed. Problem definition is the logical and analytical process of description, explanation, classification, characterization and attempting to attach meanings to the prevailing circumstances. As you define your problem(s), record your findings. Seek expert advice in this regard and let their wisdom guide you along the part of success. Do not try to all by yourself, where there are many counselors plans succeed.   

      Test Solution: The effectiveness of every working solution has to be critically examined as to ascertain its durability, adaptability, manageability and sustainability. Question the potency of the solution and see how this will position you and your organization for maximum impact in the present and future. 

      Accept Solution: These calls for the place of analysis. Every well tested Solution should be critically analyzed before you accept it as a principle with which organize yourself and your organization. 

      Implement Solution: It is not just enough to accept a solution that is critical to your productivity improvement; you must endeavor to implement it. The benefit of a principle is actualizing at the point of implementation and not at the point of acceptance. 

      Launch into your Desired Performance: You have been able to define your problems and proffered solution, it is now time to move into your desired performance. Look at your components and fix how you want to look now and henceforth. How do you want to look like in the following categories:
      • Your Product(s) 
      • Your Service(s)   
      • Your Process(s)  
      • Your System   
      • Your Personnel(s)  
      • Your Strategies 

      Division of Labor: Divide your task and that of your organization into smaller unit of specialized concern and assign each task to qualified staff and ensure that they carry it out to logical conclusion with the pre-established principles of organization effectiveness and high standards of quality performance.

        Conclusively, I want to emphatically state that the journey from organization and personal obscurity to an enviable position of relevance is a function of the ability to know how to develop organizational and personal productivity. Study this article carefully and you will be able to improve your personal and organizational productivity in grand style.

        If this article has been of benefit to you, please kindly post a comment in the column provided below. Share your opinion on this topic and let others also benefit from your helpful insight. I will also appreciate any useful contribution to making this site a blessing to all visitors.

        Related Articles
        1. how-to-achieve-organizational-growth.
        2. understanding-organizational-growth_
        3. twelve-effective-strategies-for-getting  
        4. seven-practical-steps-for-goal.

        Best wishes!

        Friday, October 8, 2010


        Gaining financial freedom through joining the right company is a fundamental step of major importance in the pursuit of relevance and significance. The idea I am about to share with you right now will completely transform your financial life. It is an answer to all your financial dreams and it contains the key to the realization of all your dreams.

        He that wants to be among the great must learn to work with the great, but he that desires greatness but walk with failures shall inevitrably become a failure without remedy.

        Yes! that word of wisdom is powerful and i want you to look at it carefully. Your association determines your destiny. If you want to enjoy a good life you must put in all your effort at keeping good companies of quality friends and network of resourceful individuals and or organization that is tailored along the line of financial freedom. It is one of my core responsibilities in this site to bring accross your way any quality information I know will be of great help to make you some millions with peace of mind.

        I glad to introduce a business opportunity to you. This is an opportunity I am convinced will be of great help to you. It has help to transform many lives, mine inclusive, and I am greatly convinced it will work for you if you give it a try. After all there is no harm in trying, and you can never know the earning capacity of any business untill you give it your best shot. YOUR SUCCESS IS MY PRIDE

        This is not yet another sparm, please. This is your chance for financial freedom. The opportunity you choose to embrace  or ignore will inevitably determine the future you create and experience! Your success is guaranteed! Many have come across this opportunity and embraced it today they have a glorious story to tell. CHECK OUT THIS STORY  and see their testimonies THIS CAN ALSO BE YOUR STORY!

        Please carefully go through the following links to learn more about the potential earning capacity of this unique business:

        I am very much convinced you have found the content of this page of immense help to the realization of your financial dreams. Feel very free to share this with your friends and join hands to take the right step. This is the right step in the right direction. Better ACT NOW! Let Gaining financial freedom through joining the right company encompass your mind until you make the right choice.

        For further information, please call +234-8069506925 or email: motivation2peak@gmail.com

        See you at the top!

        Saturday, October 2, 2010

        Utilizing the Law of Attraction for Money Purposes


        The craving for abundant money is a universal longing. This is because all acquisition is a function of money. Many have searched for ways to acquire money and to multiply it for generation yet unborn. In their quest for money many have ended their lives in more confusing and frustrating situations.

        How to attract money into your life using the law of attraction. It is my aim in this article to offer you one of the most reliable ways to attract money. You can attract money into your life using the law of attraction. Recently there has been an explosion of discussion regarding the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar with the concept, it is actually quite simple. It is based on a fundamental truth:

        Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. In other words, you will receive good things or bad according to what you focus on.

        If you focus on the positive things in your life, then more positive things will come your way. If you spend your time and energy focusing on the negative, then you will attract more negative things. You will spend all your life majoring in minors at the expense of your majors. This is one of the many reasons why many people you know today never get rich. They are book smart, but cannot acquire more than a squalid lot, because they know are working against them instead of for them.

        You can use these principles to harness the power of the Law of Attraction to attract money into your life.

        Strategies for attracting money:

        1. Express gratitude: The first strategy for attracting money is gratitude. The grateful heart shall receive more.  If you want more of something, like money, you must first express gratitude for what you have presently. Gratitude is a powerful positive emotion. Be thankful for all that your Creator has provided you this far. You may not have all the money you want to live a comfortable life, but be grateful for the little you have been given. Yes! You may not be where you want to be but you are not where you use to be; there is a little progress. You must be grateful for that little progress so that you can more resounding progress. You must be sincere in your thanks. If you do not honestly feel the gratitude, then you will not be able to attract more money or any other thing that you want.

        Stay focused on what you do have. Remember, if what you feel and focus on is actually your lack of money, it will only attract more lack back to you. But on the contrary, if what you focus on is to sincerely offer thanks to God for giving you life, he shall invariably give you other things that you need which you did not request for.

        2. Picture yourself with the money: Visualization is a powerful weapon of attracting wealth. What you visualize, you actualize. Visualize it in depth, as if you already have it. See yourself holding the money, touching it, and feeling how happy you are with it in your life. Imagine sitting down paying all your bills and buying expensive gifts for those that you love. This will send a positive message out that is to be returned to you in good measures.

        Be consistent with sending out these strong positive thoughts and feelings. Mixing it up with negative ones about money will definitely send a conflicting message. This will them make money to avoid you. Those with negative mentality about money, money does avoid like a plaque, but those with a positive disposition, surely becomes money magnet.

        3. Rid yourself of negative thoughts. It is imperative that you eliminate as many negative feelings as possible. Make a conscious effort to find the positive in everything because your negativity will not be rewarded with positive results. Are there others out there who are positive? You bet! Do your best to find and emulate these people.

        When life hands you a bunch of lemons, it is time to make lemonade. Find the silver lining or take action to make something positive out of the situation.

        4. Have Faith. There are countless documented cases of people who received their heart's desire by using the principles found in the Law of Attraction. Those people are no different from you!  Faith is a positive feeling. If you truly want to attract more money into your life, then faith is a must. You have to believe deep down that something like this can and will happen to you. It is time to truly believe that you are deserving of anything you desire. For more information on faith, see ‘the motivating power of belief’.

        The Law of Attraction has helped many people live their dreams. By following its simple principles, it can happen to you as well. Profess an open mind, a willing heart, and a joyful spirit and, in return, you will be rewarded with whatever you request!

        You shall reap whatever you sow, whether good or bad, small or big.

        See you at the top! Make and attract more money!

        Developing and Building Workplace Leadership

        Practical steps for goal actualization

        The process of developing and building workplace leadership is a much needed Leadership Skills which has now become an exceptional tool for organizational growth and excellence. Therefore, it is imperative that we understand how to develop and build workplace leadership.

        Dare to Become an Exceptional Leader

        Do not be conditioned the old-fashioned view of leadership which induce men to believe that leaders are marked out for leadership from early on in their lives, and that if you are not a born leader, there is little that you can do to become one. That is not true. The truth is that everyone has the seed of leadership inherent in them, and this can be developed and maximized. Through patience, persistence and hard work, you can be a truly effective leader, just as long as you make the effort needed.
        The aim of this article is to help you develop your leadership skills so that you, too, can become an exceptional leader. By learning the lessons thought by great leaders you can help to develop the leadership potential in you. Let us briefly examine the life Abraham Lincoln and see how he emerge an eminent leader through the application of persistence, hard work, knowledge acquisition, faith and wisdom.
         At the age of seven, Abraham Lincoln and his family were forced out of their home. The boy had to work to support his family. At the age of nine, his mother died. When he grew up, the young man was keen to go to law school, but there was no finance to enable him carries out his ambition, so he ended up having no formal education. However, this did not stop him from persisting in his effort to make his life count. Those who desire a better life always fight for it, and they eventually have it.
        At the age of 22, he lost his job as a store clerk. At age 23, he ran for state legislature and lost. The same year, he went into business. It failed, leaving him with a debt that took him 17 years to repay. At 27, he had a nervous breakdown. All these failings instead of slowing him down, gave him great momentum for greater achievement.
        Two years later, he tried for the post of speaker in his state legislature. He lost. At the age of 31, he was defeated in his attempt to become an elector. By age 35, he had been defeated twice while running for Congress. Finally, he did manage to secure a brief term in Congress, but at 39 he lost his re-election bid.
        At the age of 41, his four-year-old son died. At the age of 42, he was rejected as a prospective land officer. This seems to have tragedy trailing him. He was always confronted with failure not because he wanted to fail or he had imagine he will fail, but because failure wants him, so that he will not be able to achieve his purpose. The more trouble and failure becomes his companion, the more he frustrated frustration with his bulldog determination for the top. He refused to settle for second best when he knows that the best is achievable.  At the age of 45, he ran for the Senate and lost. Two years later, he lost the vice presidential nomination. At the age of 49, he ran for Senate and lost again. I know most of his childhood friends may have discouraged him, but he persisted because he knew that there lies ahead of him a greater glory. H e gathered all he needed to learn and began to read and absorb knowledge. When his friends asked him why, he said “I will read and prepare myself for one day I know my turn will come” and his time and turn actually came. There is a time for everything. There is a time to loose and a time gain. .

        Finally, at the age of 51, he was elected the President of the United States of America. He gave his country and the world the best and desirable in him which he had spent years developing with every pain, failure, criticism he experience, and knowledge he had acquired over the years. His years of study paid him a handsome reward.

        Many of us are acquainted with this eloquent example of persistence and determination in achieving victory. We read it, stop for a moment and then sigh and say: “Great! That is the stuff real leaders are made off.”And in saying this, it is all too easy for us to think about leaders like Lincoln almost as “mythological creatures”, separate from the rest of humanity and empowered by some mysterious quality that smoothes their path towards inevitable success. This is the view of leadership that many people have traditionally taken: Leaders are marked out for leadership from early on in their lives, and that if you are not a leader, there is little that you can do to become one. The modern view is that through patience, persistence and hard work, you can be a highly effective leader.
        Everyone has leadership qualities inherent in them. The problem is that most people feel they do not have it. And because they think they do not have it, they fail to explore their lives and discover and nurture the great leadership potential in them. This potential was placed in there by your creator to make you unique and outstanding. It is my aim in this article to lead along the part that will help you locate and nurture these leadership qualities inherent in you. Let us begin by finding out what leadership actually is.


        Leadership means different things to different people around the world, and different things in different situations. For example, it could relate to community leadership, religious leadership, political leadership, and leadership of campaigning groups. However, this article focuses on the unique model of individual leadership, and relates to workplace leadership rather than to other types.
        The word "leadership" can bring to mind a variety of images. For example:
        • An army officer, charging forward to meet the enemy.
        • An explorer, cutting a path through the jungle for the rest of his party to follow.
        • An executive, developing her company's strategy to remain ahead of the competition.
        According to Dwight D. Eisenhower, Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
        Professor Warren G. Bennis, defines Leaders as people who do the right thing; and managers as people who do things right.

        Leaders help themselves and others to do the right things. They set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new. Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization. Leadership is dynamic, vibrant, and inspiring.
        More so, it is imperative to understand that while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills to guide their team to the right destination in a smooth and efficient way.

        The words "leader" and "leadership" are often used incorrectly to describe people who are actually "managing." These individuals may be highly skilled, good at their jobs, and valuable to their organizations – but that just makes them excellent managers, not leaders. So, be careful how you use the terms, and do not assume that people with "leader" in their job titles, people who describe themselves as "leaders," or even groups called "leadership teams," are actually leading.
        The danger in these situations is that people or organizations that are being managed by such an individual or group think they are being led; but they are not. There may actually be no leadership at all, with no one setting a vision and no one being inspired. This can cause serious problems in the long term.
        In this article, we will focus on the process of leadership. In particular, we will discuss the "transformational leadership" model. This model highlights visionary thinking and brings about change, instead of management processes that are only designed to maintain current performance.


        According to the idea of transformational leadership, an effective leader is a person who does the following:
        1.     Creates an inspiring vision of the future.
        2.     Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision.
        3.     Manages delivery of the vision.
        4.     Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more effective at achieving the vision.
        Leadership brings together the skills needed to do these things. We will look at each element in more detail.

        Creating an Inspiring Vision of the Future
        An effective leadership is that which creates an inspiring vision of the future. In business, a vision is a realistic, convincing and attractive "best case" description (picture, illustration, depiction, delineation, drawing, portrayal and interpretation) of where you want to be in the future. Vision provides direction, sets priorities, and provides a marker, so that you can tell that you have achieved what you wanted to achieve within a given space of time.

        To create a vision, leaders focus on an organization's Strengths by using tools such as Porter’s Five Forces, PEST Analysis, USP Analysis, Core Competence Analysis and SWOT Analysis to analyze their current situation. They think about how their industry is likely to evolve, and how their competitors are likely to behave. They look at how they can innovate successfully
        , and shape their businesses and their strategies to succeed in future marketplaces. They also test their visions with appropriate market research, and by assessing key risks using techniques such as environmental or Scenario Analysis.  
        In the light of the above, leadership are proactive (practical, positive, down – business, problem solving, looking ahead, and not being satisfied with things as they are.

        Once they have developed their visions, leaders must make them compelling and convincing. A compelling and motivating vision is a vision
        that people can see, feel, understand, and embrace. Effective leaders provide a rich picture of what the future will look like when their visions have been realized. They tell stories, and explain their visions in ways that everyone can relate to. Effective leadership therefore, combines the analytical side of the vision with the passion of shared values, creating something really meaningful to the people being led.
        Motivating and Inspiring People
        Effective leadership motivates and inspires people to put in their best to achieve a corporate and personal goal. Although a compelling vision provides the foundation for leadership, it is the leader's ability to motivate and inspire people that will help them deliver that vision. If the leader cannot motivate his team, his vision will not be realized, irrespective of the potency of his vision.

        For instance, when you start a new project, you will probably have lots of enthusiasm for it, so it is usually easy to support the project's leader at the beginning. However, it can be difficult to find ways to keep the vision alive and inspirational, after the initial enthusiasm fades, especially if the team or organization needs to make significant changes in the way that they do things. Leaders recognize this, and they work hard on an ongoing basis to connect their vision with people's individual needs, goals, and aspirations.

        One of the key ways they do this is through Expectancy Theory
        . Effective leaders link together two different expectations:
        1.     Hard Work Orientation: The expectation that hard work leads to good results.
        2.     Good Results Mentality: The expectation that good results lead to attractive rewards or incentives.
        This motivates people to work hard to achieve success, because they expect to enjoy both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as a result.

        Another way effective leaders motivates their team is by restating the vision in terms of the benefits it will bring to the team's customers, and taking frequent opportunities to communicate the vision in an attractive and engaging way. They engage all productive avenues to ensure that their goal is achieved.

        It is very much helpful if the leaders at this point can draw upon extra source of expert power. People admire and believe in these leaders because they are expert in what they do. They have credibility, and they have earned the right to ask people to listen to them, and follow them. This makes it much easier for these leaders to motivate and inspire the people they lead. But if on the contrarily leaders lack some sort of specialize knowledge that can be beneficial to their organizational goals and personnel development, they will be left alone. People will gladly follow a leader who has something to offer.

        Leaders can also motivate and influence people through their natural charisma and appeal, and through other sources of power
        , such as the power to pay bonuses or assign tasks to people. However, good leaders do not rely on these types of power alone to motivate and inspire others. They live by examples. They will be involve and help to fulfill organizational goals and personal development of all employees.
        Managing Delivery of the Vision
        This is the area of leadership that relates to management. According to the  Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Model, there is a time to tell, a time to sell, a time to participate, and a time to delegate. Knowing which approach you need to use, and when you need it, is key to effective leadership.

        Leaders must ensure that the work required to deliver the vision is properly managed – either by themselves, or by a dedicated manager or team of managers to whom the leader delegates this responsibility – and they need to ensure that their vision is delivered successfully within the stipulated time frame. In order to fulfill this task, team members need performance goals that are linked to the team's overall vision.
        Change effectiveness is also one area that leaders must ensure that they manage effectively. This will ensure that any changes required to deliver the vision are implemented smoothly and thoroughly, with support and full backing from the majority of people affected.
        Coaching and Building a Team to Achieve the Vision
        Coaching the people who delivers the vision is fundamental to building effective leaders. Individual and team development are important activities carried out by transformational leaders. To develop a team, leaders must first understand team dynamics. Several well-established and popular models describe this, such as Belbin's Team Roles Approach and Bruce Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, and performing theory. A working understanding of the wisdom advocated by these models will go a long way to make your leadership effort a fruitful one.

        A leader must ensure that team members have the necessary skills and abilities to do their job and achieve the vision. They do this by giving and receiving feedback on a regular basis
        and also by training and coaching the people who delivers the vision. This also helps in improving individual and team performance. As a leader it is your fundamental responsibility to look out for leadership potentials in others. By developing leadership skills within your team, you create an environment where you can continue success in the long term. And that is a true measure of great leadership.

        Fundamental Key Points to Remember

        Conclusively, I want you to remember that Leadership can be hard to define and it means different things to different people. 

        In the transformational leadership model, leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward. To do this they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision. They also manage delivery of the vision, either directly or indirectly, and build and coach their teams to make them ever stronger.

        The process of developing and building workplace leadership is an exciting journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort of training, knowledge acquisition, faith and persistence in the direction of purpose. There is a seed of leadership in everyone, and this can be developed through persistence, hard work, study and wisdom. Do not settle for less when you can actually be the best. There is something unique in you. You are not in any way inferior to anyone. Those who are successfully moving ahead in life today are not borne with supernatural abilities uncommon to the ordinary man. They are ordinary people who achieve extraordinary feat by doing ordinary things in an extra ordinary manner. Believe you can be the best. Believe you can give your best. Believe you can live your best. When
        Do not refuse to commit yourself to personal development. Your potential can only mature and make you outstanding by constant use. Give your life everything that is required to make you thick. Give yourself to study. Prepare yourself and one day you will come in contact with great opportunity to establish and manifest your uniqueness. When opportunity meet preparation freedom becomes inevitable. Those you see today have great leaders have spent years preparing themselves in their chosen field of endeavor. You too can do same and one day you emerge a mighty force to be reckoned with. Commit yourself to excellence, and your life will never again remain in the common place of drifting and insignificance. Relevance will embrace you like a magnet, and your generation will be glad for your having lived.
        For more inspiration articles, take your time to explore this blog. Your life will never remain the same after spending some few hours with me in this blog. 
         See more related articles:
        1. Practical steps for goal actualization
        2. How to achieve Organizational goals
        3. How to be crazily Innovative
        4. How to achieve Organizational Growth
        5. Effective Strategies for getting more things done
        6. The Principles of Extra Ordinary Achiever
        7. Positive attitude of Extra Ordinary Achievers
        8. Personnel Intelligence

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