Monday, November 8, 2010


10. Maintain an open mind on all Subjects: An open mind on all subjects is fundamental to building a highly successful business. To succeed in business you need tolerance. There will be people you will meet in life who hold the key to your business success, but on the other hand hold a contrary view, different from your belief. If you fail to tolerate them, you will miss the benefits of their capacity to take your business to the highest level.

Tolerance is expressed only by the person who holds an open mind on all subjects, towards all people and also at all times. The interesting thing I want you to know today is that you can only be truly educated and adequately positioned for success in life and in business if you maintain an open mind on all subjects. A closed mind becomes atrophy, and is quickly cut off the line of effective communication with infinite intelligence. An open mind on the other hand will keep you eternally in the process of education and acquisition of knowledge with which you may take full possession of your mind and direct it towards the attainment of your success in business.

 11. Learn the willingness to share your blessings. He who has not learned the blessed art of sharing his blessings with his generation has not found the true path to enduring business success and blissful living. The success of your business is partly dependent on your willingness to give of yourself to others. Engage yourself constantly in researching and finding out solutions to the needs of men. By finding solutions to the needs of men, you actually find success for business and fulfillment for your life. Those who can help others to solve their problems shall inevitably bask in the contentment that only true successful business can bring. Think about all the successful business you see in the world today, you will discover that they become highly successful because their owners have conditioned themselves to offer something that help make life easy for their targeted market. They offered real solution to their customers and to the world at large. One of the ways to become really successful and rich is to help enough other persons get what they want in a unique and at an affordable price.

Do you want to be a millionaire in 30 days? Then look for a real problem and proffer a practical solution which you can market passionately. How do you do this? Very simple! Search for a hungry market and locate 100 persons daily who need your product (practical solution). Sell the product to them at an affordable price of N333.34 per product. And in 30 days you will be a millionaire if you do this consistently.  

The space you occupy in the hearts of others is determined precisely by the services you render. All riches may be embellished and multiplied by the simple process of sharing them where they may help make the life of others better. Hone your talent well, let its glory shine out brightly so that it help to alleviate others from their predicament, foster your uniqueness and establish the relevance of your business in your target niche market.

Rise up today to give of your time, self, talent, creativity, money, knowledge, effort, etc to the betterment of others. Refusal or neglect in sharing your blessing is the highest disfavor and disgrace you can ever give to your generation. A great philosopher once said, ‘Help thy brother’s boat across, and lo! Thine own hath reached the shore’ 

12. Self control: Self control is the only way by which all your creative energies can be channeled towards a productive end. The person who is not a master of himself can never be a master of anything he sets out to fulfill. He who can exercise self control will be successful in business.

The highest form of self control consists in the expression of humility of the heart when one has attained great riches or has been blessed with high recognition for services rendered. The consequences of your inability to control your self in the midst of influence and affluence is worst than inherited poverty. By self discipline you will learn to take full charge of your mind and allow it to work for your good instead of working against you. There are many things that will plead for your attention because they know you can afford them, but be very careful; these are the very things that invite the downfall of a man. Never be fooled by their enticing nature. Let the maintenance of relevance and the enjoyment of true happiness be your driving force. Let it be your focus. Let nothing deviate you from the path of true success. 

13.     Build a team: No man can succeed in business without the right team. You cannot achieve much in business if you are doing everything all by yourself. Your knowledge is limited and your strength not enough to do all you need to do when you need to them to achieve success in business. Therefore, you need a team with diversified areas of specialization that can be tailored towards the achievement of your goals in business. Learn the lesson of the benefits of team work:
T       :      Together
E      :      Everybody
A     :      Achieve
M     :      More
There is no way you can equate the result of the effort of one man with the result of the efforts of ten men. When you have the right team, you work less, work smart and achieve more because each members of your team brings their wealth of knowledge to bear on the strive for your business success. There is more profit in the 1% contribution of effort from 100 persons than 100% of effort produced by one man. When one man is down the business loses its 100% contribution of efforts. But in a team of 100 persons, if one man is down, you only lose one percent; the other 99 men will still keep the business producing at 99% profit maximization.

When building your team, realize that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but of prejudices and biases. They are people from diverse cultural, social and religious backgrounds. The diversity in backgrounds produces difference in character which produces major challenges in team building efforts. With wisdom and understanding you can properly co-ordinate all negative and positive attitudes towards the attainment of business success. Do not look for perfect men in your team, perfect beings are only found in heaven. Your team members may have some negative issues in their lives either present or past, that does not make them unfit for use. If they contain what you need for business success, hire or engage them. Do not look for perfect men or women, but look for willing and capable men and women who have made several mistakes in their past and have been made willing and capable by virtue of their failings. These are people with the required experience to drive the success of your business. When you have good teams believe in them and they will bring the success of your business into physical reality. 

14. Sound Health: Sound health position you to achieve success in business. You need sound health to engage yourself in profitable business activities. Therefore, you must do everything possible to live a healthy life style. Take proper care of your health by taking in enough food supplements. This will help to provide enough vitamins needed for a healthy living. The foods we eat today rather than help to keep us healthy they contribute to the degeneration of our health. Every business owner must as a matter of necessity take the issue of his or her health more seriously. You can only think well when you are healthy. Good thinking is a major necessity in successful business operation.

15. Embrace the use of technology: One of the factors of major importance in achieving success in business is the knowledge of technology in carrying out your business functions. The knowledge of computer is a basic necessity today in ensuring successful business. Think about how limited a company will be in its ability to disseminate information if she continues to rely on the typewriter instead of making good use of the computer. The company may have enormous potential, but lack of adequate technological knowledge and application will place a gross limitation on how far it can go. The effectiveness of your business is largely dependent on your ability and that of your team to be able to use technologies that are related to your business activities.

16.     Financial intelligence: You have to be good in accounting and investing. Any business man who is not good in figures should seek to engage the services of an accountant to help with the accounting and financial issues of his or her companies. In subsequent article I will give more detail attention to this topic. Check my article on the importance of book keeping.

Success in business is not achieved by luck, but by a combination of success oriented principles. In enforcing these business principles, you have to condition yourself for success in business. Your self conditioning in business gives you business initiation which bestows upon you the necessary powers for the actualization of business success. Follow the above principles whole hearted and consistently, you will definitely succeed in business. Success in business answers to consistent application of the laws of business success.

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See you at the top!

Part One                Part Two


4. Develop Harmony in Human Relation: The role of human relations in building successful Business cannot be over emblemized. It is a key of major importance in successful living and successful business operation activities. You need harmony between you and others, and you also need harmony with yourself. Self disorganization is colossally detrimental to the success of you business. The first responsibility of self actualization is the ability to establish harmony within.  This demands your ability to manage fear, having a well maintained positive mental attitude and the adoption of a major purpose in life behind which you can build an enduring faith in your achievement. You will not have any difficulty in relating harmoniously with people if you have a well established peace within. You will be able to maintain effective human relations with customers, employees and other persons who come in contact with you and your business. This in turn will make your business highly successful. 

5. Friction in human relation is a direct function of fear, frustration, doubts and biased within the owner of a business. Often times he decides to mirror this negative mental state on the people who come in contact with him or his business. This attitude does not encourage the success of business because it drives people from you, and consequently make your potential customers to form a bad opinion about you. 

6. Develop a firm standard: Every business man who desires business success uncompromising standard for your business must as a necessity employ an unshakeable standard. These standards should hold true for all who come in contact with your business. When people see that you uphold an , they will take you seriously.

Set a standard for the way business are transacted in your company and stick to it. Politely communicate it to all your customers, and with time they will respect you for it if you do not introduce partiality and favoritism in the way you uphold your business standard. Let your customers know you as an individual who can be depended upon when quality, excellence, and efficiency and effectiveness counts. Treat your self and business the way you want to be treated. Never sell your business short because you want to keep customers. Remember, if your business fails, those you favored will go else where for a business transaction. Do not allow credit always, if you do your business will fail if you do. Your business needs liquidity to survive and continue to offer quality of service to your targeted market, and also to make the most of profitable investment opportunities. When you continue to use your business as a channel of favor, you are inevitably planning crumble that business. 

7. Develop the capacity for faith: Whosoever truly desires to experience success in business must condition his or her self to develop the capacity for faith. Faith is a dependable channel of communication between the conscious mind of man and the peak reservoir of infinite intelligence. It is a fertile soil in the mind of man through which all the riches of life emanate. It gives creative power and mobility to the impulse of thoughts. It is the spiritual quality which gives prayer the effectual momentum for outstanding accomplishment. It is the force which transmutes the ordinary vibrations of thought energy into their spiritual equivalence. When you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can speak success into your business, and it shall propel your business for success.

8. Cherish the hope of future Greatness: Every businessman who passionately desire success in business must cherish the hope of future achievement. Never be satisfied with the better when you can aspire and acquire the best of the bests. Your success in business answers to your expectation. There is power of great accomplishment in the presence of unmovable expectation. The expectation of a noble and diligent business man shall be fully realized in the process of time. It will happen at the right time and in the right place.

The strength of your expectation will determine how far your business wills succeed. When you live with a mediocre expectation, you will never experience the result of those who live with a champion expectation and see with the eye of an eagle. Great expectation will make a man to rise up early for business. Great expectation will make a business owner to seek knowledge on how to be a better person in his trade; learning how to be of better services to his targeted market. Great expectation will make an entrepreneur to constantly seek to diversify his business so as to make more money and become relevant in his field of endeavor. Show me a man who is fully satisfied with his present outcome, and I will show you a man who has no expectation. Great expectation makes a business owner to put in place effective system that guarantees business success.

Hope is the forerunner of the greatest of all states of mind. Hope sustains you in the time of emergency. Without it fear will creep in and crumble your business. According to Napoleon Hill, “Hope is the basis of the most profound form of happiness which comes from the expectancy of success in some, as yet unattained plan or purpose.

The individual business owner who cannot look at the future with the hope that he or she will surely become the person he or she was destined to be, or achieve the success he attempt to achieve in business, will definitely become frustrated in business and quit in life. Hope keeps you alive even when men conclude that you are dead. Job said, “When men say there is a casting down, I say there is a lifting up”. He was able to contradict the expectation of the negative men around him because he had an unshakable hope that in a future better life which he will inevitably lived and enjoyed. 

9. Embrace Diligence: A man diligent in his business shall never remain in the common place of mediocrity, but shall be a constant guest at the bouquet of the rich, the affluent, the relevant, the noble and the notable. The diligent man may not have all it takes, but he has what it takes to be among the pace setters, the trail bearers, the famous, the noble, the celebrated and the consulted. He may be drying up right now because of strange situations around him or her, but at the scent of water he or she shall arise and do exploit. Do all your best at employing all your energy and all you mind in doing your business, and you will definitely succeed in the process of time.

Nobody celebrates and consults a man who has nothing to offer himself let alone his generation. Only the diligent are celebrated. It is only when you are diligent in what you are doing that you can actually produce result. People want to see result. Even if you have to go through hell to produce result, do it. In the process of trying to produce result, you may make some mistakes because your decision will not always be correct. Instead of quitting, learn your lessons and move on. You may have suffered some bruises and humiliation as a result, but after it is all over, you will not remain the same person. You would have learnt something that will be of great help to you in business.  

There can never be anyone to outshine a man or a woman who has found a good business of his or her interest, and is dutifully engaged in performing his duty in business with all the creativity in his or her endowment, with excellence and inner tenacity, and with passion and commitment.

Labor is the liaison between the demand and supply of all the needs, the forerunner of all human progress, the medium by which the imagination receives wings and momentum. If you want your business to be successful, you must work it. Putting the right machineries and materials in place and erecting a beautiful office will not bring in the money if you do not go out and bring in the customers who have the money to pay for the services and product you are selling to them. You and your team must develop and workout an effective strategy for gaining competitive advantage and capturing a larger share of your niche market. You must develop processes that make you stand out and preferred. You have to develop your self and that of your team to leverage your existing potential to maximally dominate your market.

Your labor of love is your legal avenue of self expression. Until you are explicitly expressed you cannot be honorably addressed. Joy comes to a man who has the capacity to express him self in a unique way, but shame and poverty shall be the lot of he who lacks the common sense of diligence. You can whine and complain till the day of your doom, and see no meaningful improvement in your life. Until you responsively respond to your duty your life remains in shamble and squalid. The joy of relevance is the price of diligence.

Engage yourself purposefully in the business of your passion, and your life will be enriched; your soul will be embellished, and you will spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure. Your life will become an inspiration for hope, faith and encouragement to all whom you have contact with.


The craving for success in business is a fundamental yearning in the heart of every success minded entrepreneur. Many have invested so much, but they have often discovered that what comes out of the business does not equate with the effort invested. This has really brought great frustration to many business owners. Some are wondering when they will discover secrete to business success. Thinking that they will have some positive answers, they have approached friends whom they see succeeding in business. But to their greatest dismay, the answer they often get is ‘Na God’. This answer lives them further confused and frustrated. They inquired, “What have I done wrong to deserve abandonment from God? Why did God choose to make my business suffer? Does my failure bring any glory to him? Why must God delight in my pain?” 

Well my friend, if the above situation describes you, just realize that your life and that of your business is about to witness a tremendous transformation. You ask, ‘what guarantee do I have to believe you?’ Well you will soon find out because I am going to share with you what your rich friends knows and desperately want to keep secrete. Your friends know something that leads to business success that is why they are succeeding. But they will never tell you because they do not want you to become their next competition. They do not want you to have access to secrete which keeps them head and shoulder above you in business. 

The quality of success you experience in life and business is a function of the knowledge you have in that area. The level of your relevance is dependent on the degree of ignorance that has been displaced in your life.

Your life and business is not experiencing failure because God has chosen to abandon you or because you have been cursed by him. But you are in this position because you lack the right knowledge. God loves you dearly and delights in your success. He has made you capable of succeeding, but until you discover the key that unlock the doors to your success, you will never experience success. If you want to succeed you must do the things that bring success.
In view of my resolve to disseminate quality and practical life transforming information, I hereby present you the principles that will help you condition your self for success in business:
  1. Desire Success in Business: The first step in the pursuit of success in business is desire. Your desire must be so passionate that it forms the center of your daily thought. There is no way you can ever be successful if you do not desire success. You must have a strong drive and passion to make your life and business successful.
  2. Develop Positive mental attitude: All riches begins as a state of mind. If you hate money, it will avoid you like a plaque. You will never be rich if you see money as the root of all evil. Your mental attitude supplies the pulling power which attracts to you the material equivalent of all your desires, fears, doubts and beliefs. 
  3. Freedom from fear: Fear is false evidence appearing real. It is one of the major reasons why people fail in business. They fear to take risk. They fear to seize a business opportunity which could have ended their financial struggle. No man or woman enslaved by fear can ever be rich. According to Napoleon Hill, “Fear is a harbinger of evil, an insult to the creator who provided man with the means of rejecting all whatsoever which are not desired, by giving man complete control over his mind power”. Fear paralyses your ability to take control of your mind; you can through that control acquire the object of your desire. So if you desire riches and business success you can achieve it by taking control of your mind. Let your mind brood over the things you desire in your life and business, and your success shall manifest in the process of time as you engage you in the required efforts to translate the object in your mind into its physical equivalent.