Monday, November 29, 2010


Controlling your personal finance is a major money management basics which we must as a matter of urgency come to terms with if we must become rich. Too many people who claim to know and practice the basics of managing money are often proven wrong by researches and statistics. Even personal observation of the lives and business of such people reveals that they lack money management skills. How can one claim to know and apply the basics of money management without a financial improvement in his or her life and business?

If there is no financial improvement in your life and business, it is either you do not know the basics of money management or you know but fail to apply them. The following tips will help you to control your finance:

1.     Be realistic about your financial situation
2.     Visualize the consequences of your financial situation
3.     Identify the habits that have brought your financial struggle
4.     Set up measures to correct those habits
5.     Visualize the benefits of a well controlled financial life
6.     Be determined to be financially rich
7.     Set up proactive plan for controlling your finances
8.     Stick to your plan
9.     Begin to save
10. Create multiple streams of income

The ability to gain control over your finances is a major achievement that will greatly enhance your self worth, give you confidence. Careful planing and applying wise money management strategies will help you to live within your means, reduce debt, handle emergencies and prepare for future investment opportunities.

Take the bold step, Control your finances and Secure your Future!

Have a prosperous life ahead!



The availability of money to adequately respond to the basic necessities of life is crucial to any serious minded individual. The feeling that you have a certain high degree of control over your finances is one of the greatest source of joy that one can have in life. While the availability of money in your account brings confidence, the lack of it can generate a lot of stressful experiences which poss as a threat to your overall well being. It is very frustrating to look at your long accumulated debt and expenses without the ability to adequately address them. This is very frustrating! I have been in this condition before, and I know what I suffered.

Most often our financial lack is because we fail to follow the basics of money management. If you truly desire to fulfill your dreams in life you must not play with money. You must put in all your effort in eliminating consumptive attitude. You must learn how to control your finances. You must no tallow money to control you, but you must become prudent in financial matters.

Controlling your financial situation requires planning, realistic budgeting and use of money management strategies which can be learned easily if you truly have the wise motive for wealth creation. Financial intelligence is a key to wealth creation. Do not stop at the a point of desiring, but be armed with the right information and tools for wealth creation. It is time to organize and re-organize your financial life. That is what this article is intended to do in your life.

Knowing how to handle money properly by developing the discipline required to enforce financial prosperity will benefit you tremendously. It will enable you to make valuable contribution to your life, your society, your family your country and the world at large. It will enable you to establish a legacy which will benefit present and future generation. You will become relevant in the world of the eminent irrespective of your age and family background.

Stop and think for a moment! Great achievers are great thinkers. All the money that have passed through your hand all these years? What have you been able to achieve with it? If you are sincere enough, you will agree with me that you have achieved so far cannot be equated with the amount that has gone through your hand.

To stop this financial mess, you need to adhere strictly to the following money management basics:

1. Access your financial situation

2. Establish clear financial goals

3. Control your finances

4. Create a workable budget

5. Manage your debt

6. Close every lick age

7. Save

8. Invest

9. Insure

See you at the top!


Whether you are already in business or you just about to start a profitable small business, your access to finance is imperative to the survival of your business. Knowing how to get financing for your small business will greatly improve your success in business.

This article will help you to position your self in such a way that you will be able to properly separate your personal credit from your business credit. This will in turn will help you to have money at your finger tips and also get loans at better interest rates. If your business credit is different from personal credit, you can obtain good business credit no matter how bad your personal credit is.

In this article you are going to learn how to get financing for your small business; whether new or existing , and also know how to get it fast. The following tips will be of immense help:

1. Do not wait until you need business credit before you start building credit worthiness. Start building the business credit line, and have the financing available prior to when you need it.

2. Realize that you need money to make money. The rich get richer because they have access to working capital which the poor do not have. When the opportunity of a life time comes, they happily embrace it because they have the capacity to fund it. They have access to money whether it is their own or or other peoples money, the truth is that they have access to money. Therefore, it is important that every business owner have access to money. Small business fails not because they do not know what they are set up to do, but largely because the do not have access to funding.

3. Separate your personal credit from your business credit. None of your business debt shows up in your personal credit file if you do this. The main reason for building your business credit is to obtain funding.

4. Build your asset base

5. Know the right steps and the right process to build your business credit:

· Keep your record straight

· Be in a marketable business

· Get a corporate account

· Get your business registered

6. Know and approach the right bank or financier. The bank is in the business to lend and make money, and they make more money by lending. If you can demonstrate to them that you are responsible, they will lend more money to you.

7. Have a good business proposal and feasibility report.

To your business success!



Setting up a small business is the dream of every success minded individual, but to make your business highly successful, the motive for setting it up has to be wise. Now what makes a motive a wise motive for setting up a small business? Good question! A motive for setting up a small business is considered a wise motive if the motivation behind your business enterprises is centered on offering quality of services that adds value to your life and that of the market you have decided to service. 
In view of this, I have made it my commitment to show you some practical fundamental wise motive for setting up a small business.
    1.     The satisfaction of prevailing needs: The first wise motive for setting up a small business is the satisfaction of basic needs. For your small business to be successful, it has to be one that will offer solution to problems in a particular niche. Nobody will give you his or her money in exchange for your goods and services if it does not help in one way or the other make their life better.
2.     Excellence in affordable price: The second wise motive for setting up a small business is excellence in affordable price. To offer excellence in affordable price is a wise motive for setting up a small business. If there is anything the contemporary society is lacking, it is quality of service or goods. Many business owners set up their business with the aim of exploiting their customers. They offer poor quality of service and yet demand high pay. They do not care about the poor quality of services or goods they are offering to their targeted market.

Your motive should not be to exploit your customers, but rather it should be to offer exceptional quality at an affordable price. The masses should not die because you are Mr. Quality. Do not try to get all the money with which you use to set up your small business at once.

3.     To reduce unemployment: Any business owner who does not put into consideration his or her contribution in the struggle to reduce unemployment is operating under the influence of selfish interest. The wise motive for setting up a small business should be to reduce unemployment rate through the empowerment of people around you. No business exists for itself and succeeds on its own. By bettering the lives of others, you equally better yours and that of your business. It is a wise motive to set up your small business to improve the economy of your country.

   4.     Profit maximization: The fourth wise motive for setting up a small business is profit maximization. To maximize profit, your business in addition to quality of service or products must generate enough traffic-quality traffic. Quality traffic is the number of quality customers who patronizes your business. A quality customer is one who has the capacity to make effective demand (make full payment) for goods and or services rendered.

Your business must be positioned in such a way that you are able to convert a high percentage of people who come in contact with your business into quality customers. You may have the best business idea, but if you fail to market your business and yourself properly, you will not make profit. There are so many people and business out there offering the same services as you do, if people do not know you and what you are doing, they will never patronize you.

The motive of setting up your small business with all the creativity to maximize profit is a wise motive. You are a business man, and not a philanthropist. Never use your business as a channel for charity work. You need to make profit to stay in business. People may criticize you for being money conscious. Others may tell you that money making motive is not a good motive. Never allow their negative comments to make you turn your business into a charity organization. Have you seen any successful business man who is not money conscious? Obviously not! That is to tell you that setting up a small business to make profit are a wise motive.

However, while you keep and groom your money making motive, remember that it is more profitable to have 1% profit from one hundred customers than to have 100% profit from one customer. The wisdom in this is: Traffic to your business is more important than the cravings for huge profit. Rome was not built in a day, and in the same way millions are not made over night. Build your business one step at a time. Spend more time gathering quality customers who are loyal to you and to your business and the time will come when you make real money. Money that brings real satisfaction.
5.     Economic development: The fifth wise motive for setting up a small business is economic development of the area where the business is situated. For the economy of a country to improve, there must be a proliferation of quality and high impact small and medium scale business enterprises that are set up to positively transform the lives of people around them.

6.     Self Expression: The sixth wise motive for setting up a small business is to give expression to the hidden potential of the entrepreneur. There are potential that is inherent in you, each of which is a business idea that can offer solution to peoples needs. Setting up a small business to better the lives of others is a wise motive that requires commendation.

    Conclusively, it is important to realize that there are various reasons why people go into businesses. However, any motive that helps a business to enhance personal, corporate, local and global lives is a wise motive. Check your life! Check your business! Are any of the above wise motives for setting up a small business applicable? If yes, you are on the right track!

     Have a highly successful business experience!



Talent market place is a fundamental practice for assigning the right employee to the right task.

Within an organization, there are diverse employees each of which has specialized skills. These skills if properly harnesses and focused can help the organization to be a resource point for highly usable knowledge base. In so doing obtain the status of significance in the market they are servicing. But instead of analyzing these talents, many organizations have carelessly assign task to employees who do not have the natural inclination for such task. Many organizations have paid dearly for the foolishness by putting a square peg in a round hole. Matching the right employee to the right task is key to business success.

A talent market place is an employee training and development strategy that is set up within an organization with the sole purpose of harnessing and linking individual’s particular skills (project management or extensive knowledge in a particular field) with the task at hand. When you match individual’s skills with the task at hand, the resulting outcome is effective and efficient execution of task. 

Researches have revealed that companies who establish and implement the market place strategy have greatly out performed those who do not. Those who did have benefits where the most productive employee can pick and choose projects and task that are most suitable for them. In this case task and project are not forced upon an employee who may not have the required skill to bring it to perfection. Task and project are chosen by open interest and not by obligation.

Do your best to implement the market place strategy in your organization. It will make have competitive advantage over your competitors.

If this article have been of help to you please do not hesitate post a comment to share your thought. More useful contributions are needed. Express your self and let others learn from your wisdom.

See you at the top!


Talent management is a complex collection of connected human relations process that delivers a simple pragmatic fundamental benefit for any organization.

Talent management is a continuous process that delivers the optimal workforce for any serious minded business organization. It takes you from being owners of processes, forms and compliance to giving you the capacity of becoming the strategic enable of the talent management processes that empowers managers and employees while creating business value.

In view of the above, talent management is the implementation of integrated strategies or systems designed to improve process for recruiting, developing and retraining people with the required skills and aptitude to meet current and future organizational needs. 

Our modern services and knowledge economies in the talent age requires a broad and a holistic view. This therefore calls for peak performance business, and this largely depends on a wide range of talent. Simply put talent drives performance!


It is an indisputable fact that talent drives performance. This is evidenced in the fact that the team with the best people perform at a higher level than those with second best people. Great business realizes that exceptional business culture and performance is a function of the integration of highly talented resource persons. Peak performance is driven by superior talent. This is seen every day in business around us. It accounts for the reason two businesses with the same line of products and services do not actually have the same measure of market penetration, market capitalization and relevance. 

People are the difference evidence in the gap witnessed among business organizations, and talent management is the strategy that produces the people who makes the difference.

Researches have revealed that companies and organizations using talent management strategies and solutions exhibit higher and superior performance than their competitors and the market in general. That is why leading companies always invest in talent management to select the best persons for each job. They do this because they have come to terms with the truth that success in business is powered by the total talent quality of their workforce.

There is a great need for the implementation of talent management strategy to adequately respond to business goals and consequently be the driver of business performance. It is a circular-not a linear-set of activities.

We are now in a new era, an age where talent reigns. Our higher institution of higer learning is on the increase, and also increasingly releasing new breed of highly talented individuals into the market place. Many who cannot afford a university education are not left out in this battle for relevance. They have enrolled for specialized vocational training in specialized quarters. All these are now in the market place with specialized technical, scholastic, cognitive, interpersonal and professional skills, and struggling for recognition and relevance. The entire market place is loaded with more informed personal who share diversity in competitive advantage. Therefore, a wise business owner will employ proactive measures to ensure that his organization seek and recruit on the best among many bests. This is a fundamental wise motive for organization effectiveness and efficiency.

During the agricultural age, the economy was based on land. This was a truly tangible and physical asset. Industrial age also followed with a manufacturing driven economy. Higher business performance was driven through the most effective use of factories and distribution channels or networks. However, this is not the case in this present age. The knowledge age moved the basis of economic value to information asset through integrated communication and computer technology. The competitive battle front has move to the best people because they are the true and indisputable value creator. They are now the indispensable data base of quality information for organization relevance. The motivation to capture and maximize the potential of these resource persons should be the wise motive in the mind of intelligent business owners.

Work force cost is the largest category of company and organization expenditure. By automating and analyzing organization recruiting and hiring processes, you are provided with immediate workforce visibility and illumination needed to significantly improve your bottom line. Performance management provides the continuous processes and practices to enable you maintain a stellar workforce.

The future of talent management is embodied in solutions designed from the ground to provide business-centric functionality in a unified talent management platform. Due to the fact that almost all competitive business factors have become commoditized, talent is what ultimately drives the success of business and creates value. You have to rely on talent management principles, because it will in addition to the above mentioned benefit help you to:

·      Reduce process cost
·      Improve the quality of your hire
·      Reduce risk and empower you to achieve higher levels of performance.

Conclusively, I want you to understand that talent management strategies and practices are the key to higher and highest organization impact and effective and efficiency. Ignoring it is to walk the part of organization failure. Take your time to hire the right people and judiciously engage their creative potential for organization relevance and profit maximization. The people in your business determine the success of that business because they form the culture and corporate standing of your organization. Quality employee produces high performance, and in the same vain, unskilled and inexperienced employee produces poor performance and business failure.

Let me draw your attention to the following truth:

1. The enabler of any business or corporate organization is talent. The quality of your workforce is your last true competitive advantage. Talent drives performance.

2. Talent management demands strong executive support coupled with formidable systems and processes that are channeled towards assigning the right personnel to the right task at the right time.

The benefits of talent management cannot be over emphasized, if your organization must perform at peak level, you must recruit and retain high performance workforce. Do you desire to be the best in your chosen market? Then hire and retain the high performing team that will deliver to you that peak performance experience. You need people with exceptional ability to command the competitive advantage you so dearly crave.

Do not forget talent drives performance!


The idea of becoming a millionaire seems very enticing to all but only those who understand and consistently practice the financial principles of the millionaire can actually become a millionaire. Millionaires have principles; I mean real practical principles which they consistently and persistently practice. That is why they are called millionaires. Their persistent and consistent practice of financial principles has created a huge financial empire to authenticate the soundness of their principles. These principles are the small input that creates the big difference between the rich and the poor.

Through personal observation, study and research I have been able to discover some practical financial principles of the millionaires. It is my commitment to share it with you, and by following them with absolute faith, commitment, persistence and consistency you too can become a millionaire some day. 
The principles are as follows:

  1. The millionaire buy, appreciate and protect assets.
  2. The millionaire employ the power of compounding.
  3. The millionaire creates and control leveraged financial systems.
  4. The millionaire engage the power of leveraging.
  5. The millionaire buy low and sell high
  6. The millionaire maximize profit
  7.  The millionaire move in higher velocity
  8. The millionaire employ top class business strategies
  9. The millionaire understand and maximize the law of demand and supply
  10. The millionaire creates channels for passive income
  11. The millionaire employ smart and creative thinking
  12.  The millionaire embrace opportunity and take risk
  13. The millionaire use other peoples money
  14. The millionaire employ the power of effective negotiation
  15. The millionaire apply the power of aggressive marketing
  16. The millionaire concentrate their efforts on business that brings the highest return
  17. The millionaire uses the mastermind principle.
  18. The millionaire hires those with bigger vision
  19. The millionaire surround themselves with good accountants.
  20. 20. The millionaire use other peoples effort and take the credit

To make you a millionaire is not a task which you cannot undertake and successfully execute. All you need is the understanding of the financial principles of the millionaires coupled with your determination to persistently and consistently apply it until you too become a millionaire. Those in the world record of millionaires do not have ten heads, they are not created superior than yourself; the only difference is that they know and apply what you do not know.

Do you want to be a millionaire? If your answer is on the affirmative, then begin to take what you are reading seriously. It holds the key to becoming a millionaire. You are not going to sing your way into millions; you have to discover your areas of talents and persistently hone and drive it to success following the principles outlined above. 

Take your time to follow the links to know more about the highlighted principles. You can print it out so that you can read it on your spare time. Practice everything you read in this article and your financial life will be greatly improve, and very soon you will be counted among the millionaires. Your access to wealth is the working understanding of the financial principles of the millionaire. Without it no man can firmly plant his feet in the place of making sustainable millions. 

If this article has been of great help to you, feel free to add your comment in the space provided below. Tell your friends about the site. You can also twit and blog about it. 

Related Articles

1. How to attract money through the power of positive affirmation 
2. The seven Laws of Wealth
3. Utilizing the Law of Attraction for money Purpose
4. Reasons why most People do not Get Rich
5. How to become a Millionaire in 30 days
6. Gaining financial freedom through joining the right company

You are the next millionaire the world is waiting to celebrate!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The price of Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing therefore in all you acquire, acquire wisdom. She will give you long life, riches and honor, pleasure and peace, and respect for humans and reverence for God.

Wisdom is a tree of life to those who find and eat her fruit, and happy is the man who keeps on eating it. It is a force that fills its possessor with living energy, and are feathers in their cap and a crown of glory in their head keeping them safe from defeat and disaster and from stumbling off the trail of blessings. When wisdom becomes your guard, you can sleep without fear; you will not be afraid of disaster or the plots of wicked men.

However, the acquisition and intelligent application of wisdom requires effort, the effort which is the price  of  wisdom which those who must tomorrow be custodian of wisdom must fully pay. The opportunities to pay this price come to everyone through the greetings of our daily challenges of life. Every trouble or pain whether small or big is a beckon from the throne of divinity to enable humanity learn wisdom.

This chapter is loaded with wise nugget that will kill every seed of foolishness and provide you with the nourishment that wisdom alone can bring. When you allow the tenets it advocate to sink into you it will graciously transform you from a dismal failure to a successful personality that God created you for. You are destined for the top, but this cannot be achieved until you are cured of certain degree of foolishness.

Before you finish this chapter, you will receive the rare insight that only the great have in their bosom and at the willing command. This is the principle that took them from their humble position and enthrones them at their enviable position. They seek wisdom by paying the price, and they have found it, they made it their daily companion.

The reverence of the almighty God is the beginning of wisdom, and to reverence God is to humble oneself and tread the path of righteousness, justice, and equity. Whosoever, make this his lifelong cravings shall be given the crown of incorruptible wisdom.

Please, try to understand this chapter before you proceeds so that the rest chapters can make sense to you. Men live below what they are created for because they lack wisdom. I have seen many destroyed due to lack of knowledge and wisdom. And I have also seen many who through the application of wisdom transform themselves from colossal failures to persons of significance. 

This is culled from my book: OCEAN OF WISDOM.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Inward Look

Taking a closer Look at your innate potential!

The best place to start from when a man truly desires to move forward in life is him self.

Never blame people whenever your life is in a mess, no matter how justified you are, when you blame others for your misfortune, you inevitably deny yourself the opportunity of being responsible. Take responsibility for your action and your life will move in the positive and grandeur direction.

No man can make your life miserable unless you permit them into your life at some point in your life’s journey. The ultimate outcome of your life is your responsibility; no man can assume it for you. If you have not acquired more than a bare existence in life, take a closer look at yourself, discover where you need to improve, and do something immediately to change yourself and your experience will change to that which you dearly crave for.

Look properly at yourself and you will discover something in you that others do not have, explored it and your life will attain and maintain relevance in the land of the living!

The greatest treasure of man is located in his inward man. No man can actually become what he was created to be without looking inward to fully engage his or her potential optimum performance. Your relevance  in life is a function of what you can achieve with what is resident in you. you may wish for the best, but until you wake up and do something with your life, you will never amount to anything meaningful. Wishing for the best does not make a man great, but what brings greatness is maximizing your potential direction of purpose. Inward look is the key to greatness

See you at the top!

The Blast of Wisdom


The blast of wisdom is a wise motive for greater achievement in life and business. Many who lacks wisdom perishes with all their great potential, but through wisdom the lowly and prudent assumes a position of relevance in the land of the living.

Take a firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life, Love her and she will guide and keep you safe all the days of your life.

There is no acquisition that can be compared to wisdom. Her worth is to be greatly esteemed. If you are tired of living a stagnant and an unfulfilled life, then try and embrace wisdom, and your life shall forever remain in peace, plenty and pleasure.

The words of wisdom in this article are birthed through prayers and meditation in an intense analysis of events in relation to Gods pre-established laws. It has been tested and proven to be true by generation past and present. Their truths have liberated and it is still liberating and will continue to liberate those who dare to abide by it. Therefore, I am convinced beyond every reasonable doubt that this is a legacy that is worth treasuring forever.

Read and meditate on these words of wisdom, for in this you shall make your ways prosperous, and have good success! The blast of wisdom will position you in the right mental and spiritual frame of mind to cultivate the appropriate and intelligent attitude for excellence.

  1. God has given man a world that nothing but his own folly keeps from being a paradise. 
  2. There is always room at the top to accommodate everybody; it is arrayed in its versatility to accommodate all dreams, and visions, ambitions, creativity, gifts, talents and purposes. 
  3. The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. 
  4. The degree of maturity an individual attains is directly proportional to his ability to make wise decisions. 
  5. Success is making a decision, making it yours and improving by it day after day. 
  6. It is never too late to be what you might have been. 
  7. Small deeds done are better than deeds planned but not done. 
  8. Any plan no matter how poorly conceived, if boldly executed is better than inaction. 
  9. Indecision is fatal. It is better to make a wrong decision than to build up a habit of indecision. For if a man wallows in indecision, he certainly cannot act, and since he did not act he will not succeed. 
  10. Know the value of time, snatch it, seize it, utilize it, and enjoy every moment of it. 
  11. You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must evacuate every irrelevant thing that is occupying it. 
  12. Take time to work, it is the price of success. Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to play, it is the secrete of youth. Take time to read, it is the foundation of knowledge. Take time to worship, it is the high way to reverence. Take time to love, it is the one sacrament of life. Take time to help and enjoy friends, it is the source of happiness. Take time to dream, it hitches the soul to the stars. Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to pray, it helps to bring God nearer. 
  13. Be careful of what you want, for you will surely get it. 
  14. Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage in the absence of fear. 
  15. Do things you fear and the death of fear are certain. 
  16. All you need to grow fine, vigorous grass is crack in your sidewalk. 
  17. A dream unrealized is a dream imprisoned by that enemy of all enemies called the fear of failure. Therefore set that dream free, determine that you will make that dream happen and it shall surely come to pass. 
  18. The secrete of achievement is not to let what you are doing to get to you before you get to it. 
  19. There are four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively, and pursue persistently. 
  20. If you can imagine it, dream it, and then you can become it. If you can envision it, you can attain it. If you can picture it, you can achieve it. 
  21. Tomorrow is the excuse of the lazy and the refuse of the incompetent. 
  22. Procrastination is the thief of time, but more so, it is the thief of soul. 
  23. Creative people prefer complexity; they are more complex in personality. They are more independent in their judgment, more self assertive and dominant, more observant and more open to new expectation and experiences.  
  24. To insure good health, eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life. 
  25. Every man is thinking of changing the world, but none thinks of changing themselves. Thou son of man employ all your effort to change and make yourself a better person. Then you can by example help to change the world.
    Thanks for taking your time to digest the words of wisdom contained in this article. If the information has been helpful, feel free to make a comment and share your view on this topic so that others can also benefit from your input.

    The blast of wisdom is all you need for a live of excellence.

    See you at the top.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Low economies bring great frustration to all the citizens of the country, and foster the increase of crime. In this article I am going to share some useful suggestion in reviving a dead economy. They include:

1. Embrace innovation: Innovation is the energy of the future. We have to make better use of what we have to get what we need. Every country is endowed with great potential, properly utilized create room for economic restoration. Do not always desire to do new things, but make little improvement to what you already have and you will enjoy a better and best life.

2. Enact favorable economic policies: Bad economic principles produces bad economy, but when these economic policies are formulated with the fundamental interest of the citizen and the potential available to a nation in mind in such a way that give maximum utilization to both human and capital resources, economic growth becomes inevitable. A sustainable economic policy is the key to economic viability and stability.

3. Funding of small and medium scale enterprises: Small and medium scale industries are the fuel that drives economy and where they are not properly funded the economy crashes. Take a look at the well established economy of the world, and you will discover that one of the major drivers of those economies is small and medium scale industries. Adequate funding of small and medium scale industries creates jobs for citizens of the country. When the rate of employment is reduced, economic growth becomes achievable.

4. Education: The proper education of the citizenry of a given nation is directly proportional to the quality of teachers dispensing the knowledge. Teaching is the profession that makes all profession possible. When the standard of education is high it produces high performance citizen who in turn contribute their knowledge in improving the economy. Where ignorance prevails the people suffer frustration, but where wisdom reign there is an abundance of wealth. Technical, scholastic, social and spiritual skills are all needed for sustainable economy. However for this to work effectively and efficiently, we must be responsible to make it work.

5. We must join force with powerful economy: The recovery of an economy cannot be achieved without partnership with other great economies. Their knowledge and support will go along way to revive your dead economy.

6. Encourage Investment: Creates room for investment. When people invest in your economy it boosts it because it enables you to create more job opportunities to citizens. End irrational consumption and start investing. Create a friendly environment to encourage investment.

7. Do something unique: Work locally and make yourself indispensible.

8. Embrace technology. No country can achieve economic transformation without embracing the benefits of technology.

Conclusively, I want to say emphatically that recovering a low economy requires the combined effort of the government, business owners and the individual who make up a nation. We must all contribute our own effort to see that our economy recovers. The government must invest in small and medium scale industries. They must enact friendly economic policies that encourage industrialization, economic growth and personal growth. The business owners must engage in efforts that creates employment opportunities for the people within their area of operation. The individuals must strive to make him self better. They must get educated and properly trained in specialized quarters in skills that are relevant to the prevailing industries within their locality. They must endeavor to create enabling environment to favor industrialization and investment. They must chon every act of vandalism and terrorism.

When we painstakingly and persistently put in all our efforts to recover a low economy the economic situation of our country shall improve. We must avoid the temptation to shift blames. Whatever becomes the state of our economy today, we all contributed to it in one way or the other, and it will take our collective effort in bringing it back to life. Our collaboration to recover our low economy is more important than the luxury of shifting blames. We have no other nation other than this, if we live it to go down we shall inevitably suffer and obligate countless generation ahead of us. No mater how long we sat down and waited for others to change the situation of our economy, it will never produce any meaningful result. We must rise up and effect a change by ourselves, and the time to do it is now!


Effective human relations and team spirit is very important for organization effectiveness and productivity. However, as important as it is, it will not come by chance; you have to engage the forces that foster team spirit and effective human relations in an organization.
It is my pleasure to highlight here some useful suggestions that may be of help. Check out the following:
1.     Create a platform for social interaction
2.     Understand the factor of individual differences
3.     Be willing to tolerate and complement
4.     Be genuinely interested in others
5.     Mind your own business where necessary
6.     Reward improvement and celebrate accomplishment
7.     Never criticize
8.     Practice true love
9.     Be willing to forgive and forget
10.                        Respect the opinion of others
11.                        Create team focus
12.                        Establish open communication
13.                        Eradicate the spirit of favoritism
14.                        Remove the little fox that spoil the bloom
15.                        Create an atmosphere for risk taking
16.                        Create room for imperfection
17.                        Establish training and personal development processes
Follow the above suggestions and your team will be full of life, and help you accomplish much in the process of time.
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