Thursday, February 3, 2011


Happiness and fulfillment is real and achievable. But this will not happen unless you understand and apply the ten commandments of happiness and fulfillment. In this article, I am glad to introduce you to the ten commandments of happiness and fulfillments. These are laws of happiness which makes every highly successful individual of the past and present unstoppable. Your happiness and fulfillment lies on the application of the commandment below:

1. You must not worry: Do not worry about the things that you cannot change nor have no absolute control over. Realize that storms come and go. Momentary pains are created and allowed to make you a better person. Instead of whining and complaining, look for the opportunity in the misfortune. Your greatest opposition is your greatest opportunity. The thought of God for your life is to give you an expected blissful end.

2. You must never be a close minded Person: A close mind is a closed life. He that closes his mind to the input of others will only be wise as his knowledge can afford. Your way is not always the best way. Remain open-minded, and do not worry if things do not go as expected. Learn to use the input from others to improve your life, business and your finances. Do not imitate, but try your best to incorporate the best in others to improve your life and your sense of self worth will empower you to produce the result that will make your life count. A man truly happy is a man truly fulfilled!

3. You must grow: Growth is not an option, but a mandatory experience in the journey for relevance and profit maximization. Never think that you have to stay where you are in life. Every new day offers an opportunity for change. Embrace the change and make a difference.

4. You must not fret over others opinion: As faces differ so also developmental background differs. Therefore, every body will never reason the way you do, and in addition human behavior are affected by prejudices and some certain degree of evil agenda. Not everyone will like you, and some people will criticize you not because you are bad, but because they do not like you for reasons best known to them. Do not allow their criticism to make you feel unworthy. Realize that you do not need the approval of anybody to be who you are and what you capable of achieving. All you need is confidence in what you carry and the mandate you have been given by God. He is always there to give you the needed support when you need him the most. One with God is majority. 

When you wait for peoples approval to make you happy, then you will wait for a very long time, and you may end up never having that dream realize. Majority of folks living on earth today do not put in any effort to bring happiness to their neighbor. All they know how to do is position themselves to belittle others. Irrespective of your status today, never allow little people to belittle you. Your happiness in life should be of major importance to you than the constant mocking of little people in their little world. For more information, see my article: how to stop little people from belittling you.

5. You must not needlessly worry over your mistakes: Everybody make mistakes, and even the best of us have made one blunder in one time or the other. Therefore, you must not allow your self to be weighed down your short comings. Whenever you err, learn the lessons and forget about the details. Never allow people to abandon the lug in their eyes to make stories out of the peck in your eyes. You are not unworthy, unfit, or incapable just because you made some mistakes. Realize that mistakes are necessary for growth. If silly things were not done, intelligent things would not have been known.

6. You must take responsibility for your life: Taking responsibilities for your actions demonstrate your readiness for the enjoyment of happiness and fulfillment. Never shift blames. Playing the blame is playing the game of foolishness. It will lead you nowhere but encourage your journey into the land of confusion, frustration and un-accomplishment.

If you want to be happy and fulfilled, do not make others responsible for your happiness and inevitably hinder your fulfillment. You are suppose to be in control of your happiness and fulfillment, and you can choose to make the day a positive one by embracing the wise counsel available in this articel.

7. You should never surrender where victory is eminent: Your happiness in life is greatly determined by not giving up where your courage would prove more profitable. Despite the mountain and hills before you, try to climb them even when it seems too steep. No matter how difficult the task seems, it is better to try than to wonder if you could have succeeded. It is better to fail at trying something than to succeed in doing nothing.

8. Never judge others harshly: Do not try to make people into what they are not. When they err, do not crucify them, but give them another opportunity to change. Judge not so that you will not be judged; for with same measure with which you judge others, they will also judge you. Do not deal with people the way you think they ought to be, but relate with them the way they are. Always seek for the good in every man; never be critical and fault finding for you will see things that will encourage your constant sadness, and happiness and fulfillment will avoid you like a plaque. 

In all you do try to accept other people for who they are. Just because someone is different from you, does not mean they are inferior. Everyone was created in God's image and are uniquely valuable. Create a pool of friendly energy and your happiness will be sure.

9. You must never doubt your ability and credibility: Confidence in your self, your dreams, your potential and your creator will give you the necessary empowerment for living a happy and fulfilled life. Allowing doubt into your life for a minute, brings a complete damage to your sense of self worth, and invariably truncate your growth. You should always have faith in yourself and refuse to give the negative voice in your head an audience. Put a way from your side anybody that is well pleased in constantly draining your energy with negative opinion about your ability to excel. Whatever you affiliation, remove your self from such environment and your happiness and fulfillment will be sure. It is more profitable to be in an environment where you are celebrated than to be where you are tolerated and intimidated.

10. Never try to fix the world: No matter how hard you try, you can never be able to fix all the worlds’ problem. But if you concentrate in making your life better, by example you can positively affect your family which can transfer the force of change to your community and together impact the world in a unique way. It is good to help others, but remember that you cannot fix everyone's problems.

Friend, to live a happy and fulfilled life, you must as a matter of great importance study and implement the ten commandments of happiness and fulfillment.

To learn more about how to develop this important skill click here.
If this article has been of great help to you, kindly post your  comment  below. You can share this with your friends, and together we can help create a pool of happiness that will  empower us to live a well fulfilled life.

I wish you all the best in life!

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