Tuesday, October 26, 2010


When you open up to instruction, it generates knowledge that enlightens your life, and enlightenment produces revelation that enthrones wisdom, and when your life is guarded by wisdom your stardom becomes inevitable.

I bequeath to my great nation Nigeria, to all the success minded individuals who have stayed too long in the common place of un-achievement, to the global community of great thinkers, psychologist, theologians, counselors and motivational leaders who are in the high pinnacle of influence and affluence, a portion of the treasure of the good and desirable in me.

Life is sweet, but ignorance has made it a bitter experience for majority. Studying people, events, traditions, times and God’s divine word, I have come to the conclusion that God created everything good, but man in quest for knowledge outside God have created a maze of confusion that has produced a world of pain and misery. In the forefront of this pain are the memories of things we did which we should not have done and the things we should have done which we did not do. We respond to life based on our circumstances instead of using what lies within us.

When we respond to life with the full potential inherent in our true selves rather than from our environmentally conditioned selves, we shall be more capable to bring into reality what we are created to produce, and the world will be a better place for us and for everyone.

Please, do not ignore the words of wisdom in this article, when you come across a potential statement you did not understand, instead of discarding it, turn to your inner self and ask your creator for illumination, and his council will lead you on the right part.

Every occurrence in a man’s life is a function of what he knows, the understanding he derives from what he knows, what he experience, how he interact with his consciousness, and how he effectively utilizes all of these to make a new environment of possibility for him. These are the elements that forms the foundation of the ultimate source from which every other thing evolves.

Therefore, to move from the common place of un-achievement to the pinnacle of significance, the place of wisdom is imperative. This site will introduce you to the training of wisdom so that you can be properly initiated into the divine and miraculous world where successful living becomes a daily reality. Success is an application of a combination of success oriented mentality and principles. In the same vein failure is the combination of the application of inhibiting mentality.

 It is an irresponsibility to resign one’s life to fate, only watching others celebrate and being celebrated. It is an error to merely exist and die without fulfilling the purpose why he was created, and located on planet earth.

Whenever we take responsibility for our lives we shall inevitably experience the power that is required to put us on top of the world to enjoy the type of life we would like to enjoy. But playing the blame game makes life difficult, and one can live all the days of his or her life blaming others for his predicament until all his or her  life ends in the prison of un-accomplishment. But taking responsibility makes your mind to reason and function properly to bring result to your life. Your significance is sure when your life makes meaningful contribution to the lives of others.

It is erroneous to plan to run to heaven when God actually created you to live here on earth. God did not create anyone to live in heaven. Heaven was created to be the abode of God himself and his angels, but the earth he has created to accommodate man. He gave him the sole responsibility of taking care of it. I wonder where those who believe they will one day run to heaven got their believes from. Why are we running away from our core responsibility of occupying till he comes? Instead of occupying, we are planning of running away. This is an act of irresponsibility of the highest order.

Man has no duty to perform in heaven, and God is not interested in having a bundle of idle men roaming the streets of heaven, while they are suppose to be useful on earth where the created them to effectively represent him.

More so, at the end of age, God will not take man to heaven. He will re-instate man in his original location -earth. So that at the end God will reign supreme over man and all his affairs. Instead of being irresponsible, let us use what God has deposited in us to make our lives beautiful, graceful and meaningful. Place a demand on your potential and it shall amaze you what you can achieve.

We can achieve success if we can dare to do beyond what we think we are capable of doing. 

Conclusively, I want to admonish that you take a pragmatic tour around this site and your life will forever shine with extraordinary power. Do not live as if God did not create you with the potentials to succeed. God loves you so much that he could not be so wicked to create you  to be a disadvantage all the days of  your life. But until you step out to make your life meaningful, you will never experience the best of God in your life. Wait a minute, for how long shall you be contented to live below your best? Dare to be your best. Refuse to remain a victim of circumstance. Create your own fortune, create your own economy and divine force shall aid your speed in grand style. Wisdom is beneficial to direct your life in the path of outstanding achievement and satisfactory fulfillment in all aspect of your life. Never be contented to live a good life when you can actually live a best life!

Whatever you are today is not your best, for you can be better than that. Brake from limitation. Break from comfort zones that is blindfolding your eyes and depriving you of a better and grandeur's life. 

If this article has been of great benefit to you please, kindly pass it on. Share it with others in your sphere of influence. Take your time to explore other resourceful articles that this site offers. Your success is my greatest commitment! 

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This is an Extract from my book: OCEAN OF WISDOM. To palace an order for this book, call +234-8069506925.

 See you at the top. You are the next in line for excellence.!

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